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Feeling at peace after reaching out

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Hi Everyone,

So last night I reached out to my ex after being broken up for a month and a half. If you've read my previous posts you'll remember I broke up first in hope of commitment then he flat out rejected me several times. I went strict NC and then broke it on day 14 saying hi but he didn't reply

Anyway back to the point

Yesterday I called him and he picked. I asked if we could meet up to speak face to face next week and he agreed and for some reason I feel SOOO much more better like a weight has been lifted off me.

I've gone through so much emotion since we split up but the rejection feeling stood out as it left me depressed for a long time

Maybe I just needed to feel like I could talk to him without being rejected and yesterday felt like that

Now whether or not I'll continue with the whole process of actually meeting up I don't know and highly doubt it

Because right now I am at so much peace and don't want to ruin this feeling

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Hi Everyone,

So last night I reached out to my ex after being broken up for a month and a half. If you've read my previous posts you'll remember I broke up first in hope of commitment then he flat out rejected me several times. I went strict NC and then broke it on day 14 saying hi but he didn't reply

Anyway back to the point

Yesterday I called him and he picked. I asked if we could meet up to speak face to face next week and he agreed and for some reason I feel SOOO much more better like a weight has been lifted off me.

I've gone through so much emotion since we split up but the rejection feeling stood out as it left me depressed for a long time

Maybe I just needed to feel like I could talk to him without being rejected and yesterday felt like that

Now whether or not I'll continue with the whole process of actually meeting up I don't know and highly doubt it

Because right now I am at so much peace and don't want to ruin this feeling

Glad you are at peace and can have some respite.


I would be cautious about relying on your ex to make you feel better though. You have to work through those feelings during no contact by yourself, however much you miss and crave the validation that your ex always used to give you. He just replied to you after previously rejecting, and this has naturally made you feel better.


As you say, might be best to avoid meeting up and risk stirring up the hurt even more.

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Yeah I am not relying on my ex for my happiness. I felt like to truly move on I needed not to feel animosity from either one of us. And as days went by without NC I grew hatred for him which made me even more angry about our situation so hearing his voice being receptive last night made me feel like we really weren't bitter. I know it's a weird feeling

Plus I really don't like the feeling of animosity after a breakup. Last year a guy I had a crush on died just 2 months after we had a major fall out. Even if we weren't close his death really got to me and I decided from then to never end badly with people

Anyway I am relieved now and would keep you all posted

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Its hard because although you may feel as if you feel great however you dont know whats going to be said just prepare yourself for the worst that way you wont get hurt. I hope everything works out for you I really do x

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Its hard because although you may feel as if you feel great however you dont know whats going to be said just prepare yourself for the worst that way you wont get hurt. I hope everything works out for you I really do x


Thanks DJ12. I really appreciate it. Wise words

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yes I did go ahead and contact him on Tuesday asking when he'll be free to talk but he declined. Oh well. I mean it was sad he didn't want us to talk but I didn't feel as bad as I had with all the former rejections

Now I'm just like whatever.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So do you plan on getting back with him? And how was it after no contact for so long?


Sorry I'm only just seeing your reply. No we're never getting back together. I do regret my decision of going through with meeting him cause he cancelled and started being mean which felt like another rejection. And it was annoying cause I wanted to clear the air more than anything. Being enemies with your ex is hard but time helps everything.

NC is hard. Bloody hard. But best believe all the enotaloners when they say it's the best thing you can do after a breakup and stick to it

And I'm guessing you're in a similar situation to mine. Just stop hoping of getting back together if you are and better yourself for you

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