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Age 27 with High Income but Never Had a Girlfriend


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There are unfortunately a lot of people out there who are overtly malicious when rejecting the advances of others. It's one thing to have preferences, but outright telling someone "I don't like/am not attracted to you because you're _____" is just straight up immature and wrong. We all have our "preferences," and it's fine to have them. While I'm not attracted to heavy women, for instance, I would never say this (online or in person) to them. These "women" (more like immature school girls, if you ask me) are not worth your time man.


And I know it's already been said, but the things you listed don't make you. Having a nice car and salary might attract superficial girls, but you have to find a woman who likes you for you and would still be there if you were one day suddenly stripped of those things. Those women do exist, but they are very hard to find. It just takes take, but it starts within you.


Trust me, I know. I'm working on this now. It's a process, but it's the only way to do it.

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