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8 weeks but I think I still I want her


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It has been 8 weeks since she decided to end things. She called me 2 weeks after she dumped me and basically said you have been quiet. I haven't called her, texted her or reached out to her. But I kind of want her back. No matter how much I analyze I cannot completely write her off. How do I get into the mindset of being able to rationalize contacting her or do I not at all. She also texted me last week but it felt more like a bread crumb.

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Regardless of how much a person was not your fit, if you cared about them, in the beginning you will want them back. My ex was nothing special, didn't even treat me that well, but because I loved him I missed him so much after I broke up w/him (I was sick of being treated as a convenience). Time will help, heck I couldn't even look at other guys in the 1st 2 months because I knew he was also looking at the other women (he checked them out even during the relationship, he would tell me about them). Now 4 months after I am loads better and I know I am a lot better off w/out him.

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I know I will be better. There were some times she was sincere but now it seems like she either did break up to temporarily punish me but me not talking to made it stick. How do I know if I made the right decision by not begging her back. And if she is the one, will she make the effort to come back?

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I know I will be better. There were some times she was sincere but now it seems like she either did break up to temporarily punish me but me not talking to made it stick. How do I know if I made the right decision by not begging her back. And if she is the one, will she make the effort to come back?


Always the right decision to not beg for them back. I learned that the hard way when I begged mine, and it did nothing but make her laugh at me. She is now in a relationship with an ex best friend.


And don't pay attention to her "sincere" words, pay CLOSE attention to her actions.

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To be honest I am going through almost the same situation. I know I am only hurting myself by continuing to keep contact even though he doesn't want anything to do with me. His actions have already proven enough that he doesn't want me back because he hasn't say a single word. I have started with no contact and just keeping myself busy to ease the time and pain so i don't think about him or miss him. It sucks to beg for someone to make you feel the same way about you but LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE FORCED. I am learning the hard way but i am learning for the better. You will find your way as well just got to focus on yourself and find new hobbies to distract you and so you can heal properly. Everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for every person that we come across and right now the people we broke up with or miss only means it is not their time in our lives have lived and they are not meant for our future but that can only change if the other party makes an effort and actually fight for you back. We can't do all the work right. Best wishes to you.

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