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Does my personal trainer have a crush on me?


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I am 20 and he is 36 and is married according to his FaceBook. When I first met my personal trainer, he kept looking deep into my eyes with the biggest smile. He then texted me asking how my day has been and when I am starting, to have a good holiday etc. A few weeks later when I joined the gym, I saw him and he gave me a big smile. We both happened to get into the lift at the same time leaving and he looked directly at me and then seemed shy and was looking down. He texted me a few days later asking if I am ready to start my PT sessions however the agreement was it for to be next month. I told him I'm going away and he asked for how long and said "happy new year, new you"


Few weeks later, he messages me saying "wassup" asks how I am, to have a good rest, that we will "catch up soon" (not sure whether he's implying gym or?) and said goodnight to me. Then a week later or so he texted me saying "yo whats up! are you ready for a session? back yet?" I told him I was ready and he said "yay! Tuesday is the date! lets dooo it! pump it up" then when I had to cancel because I got sick, he was understanding and told me to get better. I had a training session with him today and he said when I saw him "I like you, you're funny" and would get quite close to me and a lot of the times our knees would be touching. Very touchy touchy. Or he would show something with his hands and then grab mine and put mine near his. I had to take my shoes/socks of for measurements and he looked at my feet for a good minute. He asked about how far I live from the gym. At one point I was doing a workout and my hair was in a pony tail and he would touch it and move it to the side. He was telling me quite a few years ago he was seeing a woman where I'm originally from. Asked about my siblings and other family members. Said to me that "I'm so small, he could just pick me up with one arm" Something I also noticed is that he didn't have his ring on.. And I've seen him in photos before with his ring on. When I was leaving, we both ran into one of the ladies that work there and he put his arm around me.

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"Have a crush" is a very innocent/childlike way to put it. It does sound like he is hitting on you. He is behaving in an unprofessional manner. If he is married, then his behavior is even more inappropriate and his intentions are NOT innocent. Be very careful or you may end up getting involved with a liar and a cheater ending up in a most unhealthy and hurtful situation.

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Crush? No. But if he's the type of PT who is a womanizer and needs to bed all his clients, then yes, I would think he's got his eyes on you and is in process of making you his latest conquest.

All you need to remember is that he's married; plus, attention from this kind of men is anything but flattering, they would screw anything with a hole between their legs.

Be smart and don't give him a second thought.

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There is a LONG history of "personal trainers" being male .


You never heard of this? Plenty of women "join the gym" to get it on hehe


Even if he has a crush on you, stay away from him ehh? Chances are he is banging women left and right and the chances of him being Long Term Relationship material are slim, VERY slim.

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I would personally see if I can change personal trainers. As the others said, it's not a crush. He probably has a mental checklist of women he plans to bang he can't to put a little tick by yours.


Curious, have you asked him if he's married, or anything about his life? Just to see how he would react? (he probably has a fake story ready to be used anyway)

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I could very easily rewrite your post and it would sound like a standard personal training session. The personal trainers I've had and known are upbeat, intense, very enthusiastic, etc. They also make small talk while we work out. I feel like he was texting you, etc., because he wants the business, not necessarily to hit on you.

I also don't wear rings when I work out, as it hurts my fingers when I do anything with a bar, dumbbell, etc. It's not comfortable. I would imagine trainers would feel the same about jewelry for themselves when in a gym.


So no, I don't think he has a crush. But if you think he's married, it's a moot point if he does have a crush anyway.

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It just sounds to me like he's excited about your sessions and likes to check up on his clients' welfare. Pretty much all trainers are like this, in my experience. After all, you're paying him to check on you, train with you. Part of his job is to get to know your life and help make you better.

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OP: key word here is: MARRIED. Don't forget that. That means if he ever touches you again, (puts arm around you), it is up to YOU to tell him in no uncertain terms to stop it and never do that again. When he flirts or tries it on, do NOT respond or flirt back or encourage him. IF he does get too close, it's up to YOU to put a stop to it. I feel sorry for his wife.

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I could very easily rewrite your post and it would sound like a standard personal training session. The personal trainers I've had and known are upbeat, intense, very enthusiastic, etc. They also make small talk while we work out. I feel like he was texting you, etc., because he wants the business, not necessarily to hit on you.

I also don't wear rings when I work out, as it hurts my fingers when I do anything with a bar, dumbbell, etc. It's not comfortable. I would imagine trainers would feel the same about jewelry for themselves when in a gym.


So no, I don't think he has a crush. But if you think he's married, it's a moot point if he does have a crush anyway.


Oh come on. On his Facebook he has photos of him at the gym wearing his ring!

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I could very easily rewrite your post and it would sound like a standard personal training session. The personal trainers I've had and known are upbeat, intense, very enthusiastic, etc. They also make small talk while we work out. I feel like he was texting you, etc., because he wants the business, not necessarily to hit on you.

I also don't wear rings when I work out, as it hurts my fingers when I do anything with a bar, dumbbell, etc. It's not comfortable. I would imagine trainers would feel the same about jewelry for themselves when in a gym.


So no, I don't think he has a crush. But if you think he's married, it's a moot point if he does have a crush anyway.


This was the impression I got too.


I have friends that are trainers and they text their clients to set up sessions etc. and part of training is helping people with form and the machines and spotting...so yeah, they touch you.


It kind of sounds like the op might be crushing on him (or why stalk his fb instead of asking for a new trainer?).

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Oh come on. On his Facebook he has photos of him at the gym wearing his ring!


So maybe he does sometimes; I really have no idea what his ring-wearing preferences are. Or he could be separated or divorced, but wasn't at the time of the photos. Or the photos might not have been taken during a real workout day and he happened to have his ring on for the photo shoot. Who knows? You can believe whatever you'd like, but if you're uncomfortable and think he's making advances toward you, find a different trainer.

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Personal trainers are salesmen (or women) Aside from there professional knowledge they are only as popular as they are likeable and charming.


He could be hitting on you, or stroking his ego (afterall he is several years older) or just selling you something.


Either chose to not read into it or get another trainer.

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