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Okay, since you guys are like family to me and I want to share with someone...I just had a great meet up with a guy I just met. Idk if we will work out or if he will even call but it was just so nice to meet a normal guy who was fun and I could just talk easily too. Like finally. After being dumped and heartbreak and bad dates and rejections, it's just so nice to have a good date for a change. And I don't even care if he calls or not, I'm just happy I got to have a nice time for 4 hours! Progress is possible even if it's a small thing.


And it's odd because my ex has been texting me a little me lately which I know is just boredom for him and means nothing. And I hardly respond. But alllll these months I haven't been able to get over him. But I swear the more he texts me and I hear from him, the less I like him. It's almost as if the void made him into some fantasy in my head. But when I hear from him, reality kicks in and I see his lameness and he falls from grace some everytime. Backward as that sounds.


Anyway, I just had a good day and time today. And it's just such an amazing feeling going on a good date. So many bad days lately. I'm just so grateful and happy to have a good one! I just wanted to share it with you guys love my ena peeps!

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That's nice to hear you had a nice, long date, and even if he doesn't contact you back you can reflect on it as a positive experience. That being said, I think you need to break contact with your ex. I think if someone is truly over the past, there is no need to even bring up the break up or anything anymore. I hope your new guy contacts you back and you can continue pursuing something with him if you feel it was that good.

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Haha thanks everyone, yeah im not saying I'm over my ex, but for me right now, the very very limited contact is surprisingly helping me not think about him constantly. Eventually I'm sure I'll cut him off.


And yeah coffee date was fun. I just got the "hey thanks, I had a good time text" from my date but with no follow up meeting or let's do this again message. Bummer but oh well, least it was still fun for me.

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