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How do you make an ex miss you


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Simply how do you make an ex miss you? we've been broke up about a month and a half. She seems to be doing really well and I'm sort of getting there.. Been on and off messaging each other. She says she loves and misses me but doesn't want me to be that one anymore. But she said this before as we broke up for 5 months last year and we ended up getting back together.. I really really don't want to loose her for good.. Thanks in advance

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Didn't she admit to having a one night stand right after you two broke up?


I presume that doesn't put you off her.


She did 😕 But the last time we broke up for 5 months i slept with probably around 10 people.. I'm just trying not too have double standards. She took me back after finding that out. Ooh God I no I'm an idiot!

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When you are off and on with someone it's the universe/nature/common sense trying to tell you that you are with the wrong person. Since you are evidently with the wrong person, I suggest you go zero contact so that you can get over your addiction to her which will facilitate you being able to find the right person. As long as you keep this chick in your life in some capacity (even still chatting while you hope she comes back/misses you) you will be going through women like grease through a goose and you won't be able to see long term potential in any of them, sadly.

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When you are off and on with someone it's the universe/nature/common sense trying to tell you that you are with the wrong person. Since you are evidently with the wrong person, I suggest you go zero contact so that you can get over your addiction to her which will facilitate you being able to find the right person. As long as you keep this chick in your life in some capacity (even still chatting while you hope she comes back/misses you) you will be going through women like grease through a goose and you won't be able to see long term potential in any of them, sadly.


I honestly do get what your saying and that's great advice! ny emotions are a bit everywhere atm it I'm honest! All I no is that right now and for the past month and a half since we've been broken up all I've thought about is her. What ever I'm doing

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I honestly do get what your saying and that's great advice! ny emotions are a bit everywhere atm it I'm honest! All I no is that right now and for the past month and a half since we've been broken up all I've thought about is her. What ever I'm doing


Yes well best to do the mental work you need to do to stop dwelling on her and your dysfunctional relationship. (yes being off and on is dysfunctional) Make the conscious effort to change the subject to something else. Don't let her rent space in your brain for free. You can start by accepting that you're with the wrong person and that will help you to move on.


I really recommend that you stop getting with any woman for the time being. Seems you just hook up as a past time between getting back with her. You need to refresh and regroup your thoughts and priorities before you miss out on Miss Right due to being unfocused.

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Yes well best to do the mental work you need to do to stop dwelling on her and your dysfunctional relationship. (yes being off and on is dysfunctional) Make the conscious effort to change the subject to something else. Don't let her rent space in your brain for free. You can start by accepting that you're with the wrong person and that will help you to move on.


I really recommend that you stop getting with any woman for the time being. Seems you just hook up as a past time between getting back with her. You need to refresh and regroup your thoughts and priorities before you miss out on Miss Right due to being unfocused.


Your right.. Thank you I'll do my best. And yeah if I'm honest I'm trying to just do me for a while if you get what I mean? Focus on training and stuff women are completely at the back of my mind right now (other than my ex) seeing other people really messed me up last time cause I found myself comparing and wishing that all the things I was doing with these other girls was with her! I'm chatting to a few girls atm but literally just as friends.. But even with doing that I feel like I'm sort of using them to get over her.. Do you think that'll help? It sounds selfish I no

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the last time we broke up for 5 months i slept with probably around 10 people.. I'm just trying not too have double standards.

So, she had a one night stand after you broke up and you slept with 10 people. She came to her senses and has moved on and is happy now and told you she doesn't want to be with you. She's not coming back. Learn to accept it and let it go. Time to move on.

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So, she had a one night stand after you broke up and you slept with 10 people. She came to her senses and has moved on and is happy now and told you she doesn't want to be with you. She's not coming back. Learn to accept it and let it go. Time to move on.


Yoooo we both made mistakes! She went with someone else also and got pregnant the last time we broke up! I'm not a bad person at all! Everything I did then was an attempt to get over her cause I was completely heart broken! And it's not an excuse. I broke up with her the first time cause she was abusive. I actually came to my senses.

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Yoooo we both made mistakes! She went with someone else also and got pregnant the last time we broke up! I'm not a bad person at all! Everything I did then was an attempt to get over her cause I was completely heart broken! And it's not an excuse. I broke up with her the first time cause she was abusive. I actually came to my senses.


Well, if she was all that you claim her to be, WHY would you want her back? Sounds a bit odd to me.

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Well, if she was all that you claim her to be, WHY would you want her back? Sounds a bit odd to me.


You probably no yourself it's not that easy.. Cause when things are good they're really good. With her I can bare all the bad things that come with it just for the happy times. I sound like such a sap. And it probably is odd.. We've got really good memories together and I struggle to remember the bad rn. I wanna be the one to make her happy and want her to be the one to make me happy. Your probably right and we should split up for good and should just give up hope. Just Been through too much together in my mind that's why I'm finding it difficult

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Stop messing around with so many women. Grow up! Be a man you are proud of so you can attract a good woman. Being a player will get you girls but they are all dysfunctional with baggage. No woman worth her weight in gold will be impressed by this carry on


I have stopped messing around! This was the last time we broke up.. I'm approaching the differently this time

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