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How do i get him back?


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I've been going out with my boyfriend for almost a year. I really think he could be the one. A few weeks ago i brok a huge promise i made to him and kept that lie for almost 2 weeks, when i finally needed to tell him. He broke up with me saying he will only go back out with me if i can regain his trust. I really want to regain that trust, but i dont kno how. If anyone has some advice, please HELP ME!!!! I need to get him back, not because i cant function with out him, but because i kno i would be loosing the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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Trust is funny thing and for him to trust you again you must start to trust him. Its a two way thing and one of you has got to start somewhere so why not make it you. I have just split up with my soul-mate of 3 years 2 days before we were to sign a contract on our own house because i got involved in a nasty drug habit which took over my mind, it made me paranoid, decietful and distrusting and because of that it broke down our special trust we had together. I was gutted because i did trust her deep inside and I always will do. The first thing i did when we split up gave up the drugs, I sorted out the problem and i'm finding my feet and getting myself in shape. She is coming on holiday with me in october for a week and we are both going to try and fall in love again by being ourselves. She needs time to forgive me for what i have done and i have got a small chance, a little glimmer of hope but i have got to leave her alone for her to trust me again. The moral of all this is trust yourself first, forgive yourself and then start to trust your boyfriend and in turn he will start to trust and forgive you again but this does take time and hurting an anger don't last forever unless you were really bad to him.



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