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So I met a guy on a dating site. Well we haven't met yet, but just started messaging briefly got a day or two. Anyway he wants to meet up for drinks this week. But I noticed while we would chat, he would message(bear in mind we have only talked for a day or two, I know nothing about him, other than 8-9 short messages), he kinda started responding much quicker than me. But here's what gets me, is now he started doing that thing where he would message again in like 30 minutes even if I hadn't responded yet.


I didn't take forever to respond either. Like he asked me what my schedule was like and before I responded, 30 mins after that message he asked me for drinks. And a time or two more. Am I being overly cautious or is that signs for clingy?

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Too early to tell. If you're not sussed and excited to meet him though, then I'd just tell him that you're not interested. I wouldn't judge him on whether or not to meet him on two texts though but you seem to be doing just that so that indicates to me that you're not all that interested in him. Don't waste his time if you're not feeling it or you're paranoid about his two texts.

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