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Interview tips and advice?

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Quit my job last year and as of 2 days ago, have started looking again.

Mid 20's.


Have always found that I have no trouble in lining up interviews...It's more performing well during them that's the problem.


Any advice on how to handle phone and face to face interviews in a more relaxed way? What points to touch upon for example.

I just had an hour long phone interview yesterday (was meant to be 30 mins) and am not sure how I did. It was a marketing analyst role, dealing with key accounts.


So what have you found that has worked well for you? Is there a system you use or have implemented that has proven effective?

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Dress for the interview as is appropriate for the job. Looks like you do office work, so that would be a suit and tie. Nice haircut, shaven/trimmed face, well dressed. Lay off the cologne, just use deodorant. No bad breath. Basically you have to FEEL confident before even stepping foot into the building.


Then once in the interview... deep breaths, eye contact, and provide honest answers. Don't try to tailor your answers to their questions, as this is easily discerned by the interviewer. But DO know the business you're applying for... meaning, know something about the specific company so you're prepared if they ask. They're not only looking for someone qualified, but also someone who wants to work there.

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