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I need some advice for living with very noisy roommates

Slim Dog

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So I know this is a relationship site, but I feel as though there's some good advice to be found here. Anyway, I'm a student at UCF and I'm in a shared suite with two other people. If any of you don't know what that is, here is a mark up of the floor plan: [ATTACH=CONFIG]10986[/ATTACH]


I live in bedroom A by myself, and I have two other roommates in room B. They are very nice people, but the one complaint I have is the noise issue. See, basically they like to play games on their computer, and almost always use a headset and talk to friends through Skype or whatnot. This can usually get really loud. I'm talking loud to the point where it overpowers the TV in my room (which I generally keep on a low volume). It's rather irritating because most of the things I hear are essentially mindless competitive video game ranting, eg. "F-this, F-that, This is BS,", loud shrieks and outbursts, etc. This usually goes on from whenever the one gets home from class to almost 1-2AM every day. I tend to lose respect for people when I hear them whine like 12 year olds over video games.


Attempting to resolve the issue: I nicely ask them to please turn their volume down when it gets late at night, and they generally do, however the next day it's back to the same thing. They will apologize occasionally if they're excessively loud late at night (I'm talking like extreme screaming, this is unexaggerated). Anyway, I dealt with this for about two weeks and I got fed up and messaged my RA (residence assistant). We as a group devised a plan for noise, bathroom times (which doesn't really bother any of us), etc.


The result? It worked kinda well for the first couple of days. I wanted our quiet time to be around 9-10PM on weeknights, but they said 2AM, so to compromise, we agreed on 11:30PM. It's been about two weeks since the agreement and things are back to the way they were. Loud all day, loud till 1AM every night. In fact, the entire time I've been writing this I've been wanting to go bang on their door and tell them/him to please please please with a cherry on top to shut the hell up.


Now a little about me I've been in this dorm since Fall 2015, they moved in Spring semester 2016. I don't generally play video games in my free time. If I do, it's a relaxing game like an RPG, not extremely competitive. I used to play games like they do, so I somewhat know how it is. However, when I'm in my room I am generally studying, or doing school related assignments to maintain my 4.0GPA. It's extremely annoying to be trying my hardest to get my schoolwork done and hearing yelling and outbursts from the other room. I workout to relieve stress and entertain myself and that's been my go-to for almost two years now (I'm pretty buff compared to them, but I don't resolve my conflicts with violence or aggression). I realize I can't have everything my way (since I have 33.3% of the room vote), but they need to realize that just because they don't live with mom and dad anymore doesn't mean they can just be loud and not give a ####. This is literally the one thing I've asked for since they got here, and it's still just as bad as it's always been.


If anyone's been in a situation like this, or just has helpful advice, please let me know what you think. I'm totally not trying to say that they're bad people, but this is like seriously ridiculous. Talking to them does absolutely nothing apparently. It's funny how two 18 year olds are almost like having two toddlers living next to you, but louder. My RA said to contact him if I still have issues, but I don't know what to do. We never discussed volume during the daytime in the meeting, but come on, you seriously can't be loud and screaming all damn day. The next worse thing is coming home and having my entire room smell like rotten ham/cheese sandwiches from their ventilation since they cook and eat in their dorm. It sucks but I would rather deal with that any day of the week than the noise lol.


Thanks a lot everyone.

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Unfortunately RAs are paper tigers. They have no real experience resolving conflict and are just there for the free dorm. I had loud neighbors one year and even when I complained to the RAs they didn't do jack S. It came to the point where I had to contact the police. Sorry, just my experience.


This is probably going to be one of those situations where you have to tough it out for one semester and request that you don't live with them for the next school year. You may have to do studying at the library.

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I used to be a hair stylist. One of the first salons I worked at was on campus at a local university.

I saw a trend of most freshman so excited to get into a dorm and by semester end just as excited to get away from one.

What you describe it typical and to be expected. I wish I had a great solution for you.


Be realistic about your expectations of people you don't know that are young and have to cohabitate together.

Learn to expect it, that way you aren't disappointed.


Count the days and penny's until you and a friend or two (of your choice) can get a place of your own

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I'll suggest a "sneaky" option. Get a timer, plug their gaming device into that, set it for 11:30 and hey presto....

It will have limited utility after they inevitably discover it.


Now for a serious option, just keep bugging the RAs and if you have to go higher do so. Maybe because I paid out of pocket for my college, but when I am not getting my monies worth I made sure that everyone knew it.


Hopefully things will calm down if you keep at them.

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Some actions have natural consequences. If your roommates are "extreme screaming" after 11:30PM, then they deserve to be reported. They deserve to be reported every single time they do it, even if it's 10 times every night, 180 days in a row. And if your RA doesn't resolve the issue, he deserves to be called at 11:30 at night every single night that it happens until he solves the problem, even if you have to call him 180 nights in a row. If he gets complained to that frequently, then "paper tiger" or not, he will do what's needed to make your situation livable. You've done an admirable job putting up with this so far but this is ridiculous.


Can't your roommates go somewhere else on campus to play video games at night? I hope that will be the final resolution.


In the meantime, try wearing earplugs and put the TV on loud. Since the TV is in the foreground and the screaming is in the background, the TV will win out but will still sound soft because of the earplugs. I do this in my apartment when there's construction noise outside.


Good luck.

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If you are a serial complainer to an RA, they will not listen. Badgering them will put you on their ignore list. They will have you blocked on their phones or put up a "Do Not Disturbed" setting. A noise complaint is very minor to them. That's just from speaking with experience.

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Whatever man. Being an RA is a very overwhelming job. They have bigger fish to fry than to deal with a noise complaint (college students are usually loud anyway). My RAs didn't do jack S when I had neighbors who partied nonstop on the weekends. It became so bad that I had to stay over a bf's place on and off during my final year of college.


Just sayin. It may not work. Most really don't care about noise complaints.

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