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God is dead


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God is dead

Even if he wasn't he should be

With beliefs dragging people along

A path of deceit

But in truth, when they're dead, they're dead

No afterlife

In truth, no life

This world is broken

Possessed by an evil

That evil is Man

Murder, Rape, Ravage, destroy

A daily occurrence in this world

An age of grotesque

Hope is dead!

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well, personally i dont go to church and pray. im guessing ur talking about ppl who do. well thats fair enuf if you feel that. truth is that can be explained psychologically. you trully believe in a god and that belief also includes a beleif that u are loved. to trick you ur body releases endorphines which would be ure spiritual feeling. fraid i aint buyin it. good luck with ur beliefs tho.

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