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Simile/Metaphor help


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I'm trying to wright but i need help with similes and metaphors. I know what they are and all but I'm not very good. Does anyone have any sites where they would put up metaphors/similes. Or do any of you have good ones. I know I'm supposed to think of them myself but I need help at first to start, just some examples. Thanks

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I hope this helps I use this with my students:

Simile: compares 2 different things using "like" or "as"

Metaphor: compares 2 different things without using "like" or "as"


Examples of Similes:

Our football team's running back is as fast as a cheetah.

The ocean's waves were as loud as a roaring lion.

Examples of Metaphors:

My puppy's ears are velvet.

I was so hot that my mouth was a desert.

Also, on the internet if you put up figurative language you will find some similes and metaphors.


Good LUck

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