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Just a boss or more?????


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I hope someone can help me. I have a problem with my boss. We get along great and I am lucky to have such a nice boss, but I don't know if his actions are just him being nice or something more.


I guess it started one day when I saw him looking at me differently, not in a bad way, but when I looked at him he just looked away. Other times he gets "playful", not everyone around the office see this side of him. There have been a couple of times where he will find a way for it to be just us, like this one time he asked another manager to go and take care of something, when it was clearly my job to do so, but he just sat down in the chair next to me and acted like he was working and then we just started talking(about nothing). And other time we were working on something and I was in a different room and I had to go the room where he was to get something and he told me, that I could work on the stuff there with him, although we didn't even talk then. He is always complimenting my work and how good of a job I do, and if anyone says anything about me, he is always there to defend me.


Just wondering if he is being a nice boss or if he is interested in me outside of work.


Any advice would help......Thank you.

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Seems like he likes you outside of work. My own opinion is you should stay out of a relationship with him. It could possibly ruin your work career at the moment. But sooner or later he may pop the question to start a none-work relationship. This will be a hard decision to make, say yes and cause a chance to ruin your work situation...or say no and possibly get fired or hurt your work status. It's almost a lose-lose situation.

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well, does your boss already has a commitment???if he does, stay away from him...if not, well examined your self and try to feel if you there is the possibility of falling with him....set some limitations...i've had a boss who happens to be so fond of me, lately i found out that he got a crush and even attempt to harass me, don't let it happen to you...if you like the way he's treating you, still set your parameters and if not, show some signs or find ways that he won't be able to go near to you..

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If you want to keep your job, I would suggest keeping your work life and your social life completely separate! If he likes you, he should realize that work is not the place to meeting women. If y'all want a date, do to a bar and find someone who doesn't work with you.


Take it from a guy who knows. I've lost two really good jobs over interoffice dating. Once I was dating a girl who had been propositioned by the boss to be his mistress. She turned him down of course, but when he found out that I was dating his love interest, I got fired for the first reason he could think of.


That same scenario happened TWICE believe it or not!! At TWO different companies.


As long as he keeps his ideas to himself, it is okay. If he ever comes out and overtly states his intentions, I think you should politely tell him that you don't date co-workers because it's unprofessional. Or, better yet. Just talk to him about this really great guy you met who you are madly in love with! That will give him a real clear picture of his chances.


Unless you are an attention seeker who enjoys this man fawning all over you, I suggest you keep your professional distance. Nothing good will come of this...ever. Trust me.

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