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My Town


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Tragedy struck this afternoon, 2 boys that were raised around guns, knows gun safety, was taught how to properly handle guns, were cleaning their guns when one of them went off, killing a 14 year old young man. Hard hard night in my little town of 600. But what's great is how the town and churches have pulled together to comfort both families in this time. This is why I love my town. It may be Podunk USA but everyone is family.

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I don't know what to say.....!

His parents will never be the same....!

A parent should never have to bury a child......!

I hope they find peace in this time and the years to come.

All the comfort in the world will never take the piece one lose away.

The contract one make the day one gets to hold them that first time in one's arm's in life, one can never complete......!

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