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Guest Candy Brown

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Guest Candy Brown

describe an example of your leadership. Be sure to describe your actions and the actions of those around you and to explain what you accomplished. I need help revising my essay. Thank you


It was my sophomore year in high school and in my honor chemistry class we were required to participate in Destination Imagination. As we been to pick our team, I was chosen to become the leader of my group. I didn’t think I could be able to lead all of my peers since I was pretty much responsible for what happens. But I put that fear aside and focus all the things that needed to be done, which were picking our team names, what type of challenge we were going to do. At first my teammate didn’t want to be involve in the project and wanted me to do all the work and I wasn’t going to tell that happened. So I told them either you all pull your weight in this project or you can receive a zero on one of the most important project of you sophomore year and having to retake chemistry you junior year again. That made my teammate wakeup and each of them started throwing ideas for our project, and other little details needed. After that we started meeting twice a week in order to get ready for our competition. So it was the day and we were all excited because we knew we were ready for the competition. As the competition started we executed everything that was needed and we were all proud of it. Then it was time for start announcing winners, we though we were never going to be called but as soon as we started to give up hope our group was called. I learned that in order for me to accomplish my goal, I had to make sure my groups were been involved and voicing their own opinion about what needs to happen.

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Guest Candy Brown

excuse me but is for a college scholarship essay and the word limit is 250 and I am already over my limit. Thank you very much. And I ask how I needed help

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