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Title Me Tomorrow


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Title Me Tomorrow



Title me tomorrow

Today I'm not the same

Yesterday I was different

I have this tendency to change


Title me tomorrow

Because tomorrow never comes

So much adding and subtracting

Can the answers still be sums?


Title me tomorrow

Pick one from the vast range

Reduce me to a label

So I'm just another name

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The line was to raise the question of when you take away and add to something to 'improve' it...can the result still be an 'improvement'? It was a math analogy because a sum is what you call an answer to an addition problem, not a subtraction problem...but if you do both, can it still be considered a sum? For subtraction problem answers are not called sums...they are referred to as 'differences'. I'm sorry, I don't know how clearly I am explaining all of this. Anyway, that's why I used the line that I choose to use. However, I was glad to hear you saw it fit to write down. Perhaps I'll think of an alternate line to put in it just for you. If I do I'll be sure to let you know. I must confess I wrote this poem in a time spanning less than 5 minutes. So I'm sure a little more time could perhaps lend a more appealing line. Thank you for your comment.



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Can you explain exactly what this poem meant to you?I really liked it



I really admired your question. I appreciate your interest in knowing what this poem meant to me. Actually, I had been working on another poem...and I could not find a title for it. I came up with the idea to call the poem "Title Me Tomorrow". But then I realized that I really liked the concept portrayed in that statement. Name's have this tendencey to take so much significance from things...especially people. We get labled or thrown into stereotypes or what have you. So...this is kind of just what came to me as i thought about all of that. Anyway, thank you for your comment. And I'm glad to hear you liked it...were you able to relate in any specific way? I'd be interested in hearing what it meant to you, if anything.


Thanks again,


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Wow, math major yeah? I have a lot of respect for that. Math is never something that has come easily for me. I've always been more into English and whatnot. I guess that's why I enjoy the few easy math concepts like that. The concepts I can grasp I find pretty facinating. Of course, the one I used in this poem is so basic it can hardly even be considered as really a 'math concept'. Anyway, thanks for you comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. I also appreciate you taking the time to post the second comment.


Thanks again,


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