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Guest Candy Brown

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Guest Candy Brown

describe a significant setback, challenge, or opportunity in your life and the impact that it has had on you. Can someone please look over it and see if anything needs to be change. Thank you


All of my life I have faced my challenges, but the most difficult that have set me back during my childhood was my accent. When I arrived in the United States was when I thoroughly knew I was different from everyone else. The first day of school in the USA was one of the worst day of my life. When school started the teacher made us introduced our self, and I was so excited because I was looking forward to telling all of my peers about how Africa was, and all the interesting thing about my country. But as I started to talk, I realized that my peers were whispering behind my backing all of this saying all of this cruel things about my accent, I was so dejected that little kids could be so cruel. When I got home I cried my eye’s out, and thinking was my accent that horrible. After that day I had trouble making friends, I thought nobody will want to be my friend because of my accent. So through out my elementary school years, I had no friends and couldn’t talk to anyone without thinking I will be made fun off. But as I go through middle school and high school it got better and I wasn’t made fun, and many people were intrigue with my accent and were surprise I knew another language than the basic English and Spanish. The experience has impact my life by making me more appreciate of where I came from and embrace my uniqueness.

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