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love and timing

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i me this person and he loves me so much. the thing is im sure im falling in love with him, we have only been together 9 mnths but i have to leave to study abroad for 8mnths and i feel like im scared to hurt him or him hurt me but do i love him but if im willing to still go overseas and not give up my dreams of living my life before getting involved again does it mean im not in love with him? just cos im not willing to not go abroad because im not ready to!!!! but is that normal???can i be in love and just not be ready ...can yo be in love with someone and not follow it hrough just because the timimng isnt right ?????

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if the relationship is strong it should survive a 8 month separation. Is he aware that you are going away and is willing to keep the relationship going? Why don't you have a talk and see what each of you wants to do.


There is no need for you to break up over a comparatively short time if neither of you wants to; nor does it mean you don't love him if you want to further your studies abroad. These things are not mutually exclusive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think that u really need to talk to him about this i dont think that u should stay together when u go away there is this saying that i like


if u love someone let them go if they dont come back then they was never really yours but if they do then they will be yours forever ever


please dont just leave without talking to him i mean how would that make u feel (not very good) think about it


i hope everything goes ok for u i really do feel free to p.m at anytime and i will always try to get back asap

bye 4 now

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