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Finally, LOVE!....Oh, you're going into the Marines


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Okay i have a huge problem. I am a freshman in college and came her with a boyfriend of about two years. We decided to break up and experience the single college life, and it was the best decision I could have made. But now I know I'm in love. I met a boy on halloween, and we've been steadily getting closer and closer. He lives about an hour and a half away, but its never been a problem; I still had my time and friends, and we found time about once a week to see eachother. He is a stubborne country boy and has a trouble saying what he feels. I knew it was getting serious when he took me to meet his family. We finally got into a pretty deep conversation last night and he confirmed what i had been feeling for a long time. But just after he studdered those three little words, he told me he is leaving for boot camp in either March or May. Talk about bad timing, huh? Should I just break it off now, I really don't want to, I've never felt like this about anyone, but I don't want to be wasting my time either. I'm still so shocked, what should I do?

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I think you need to ask yourself if you love him enough to wait until he comes back. It is really hard to be in an LDR, and it will require lots of trust, communication, and patience. Obviously you know this as you currently live over an hour away from him.


My situation is quite similar, but my boyfriend was 3 hours away. We saw each other for about one weekend a month, and a week each month during summertime. For two years we went on like that. Then, last August, I moved halfway accross the world. It is SO hard sometimes, but we are able to keep it going.


If you think you can handle a bigger distance, and you care about him enough, I say you should try your hand at an LDR. I wouldn't think of it as "wasting your time" either... you never know what will come of it, and you could easily find other boys to be a "waste of time" right there at your campus. There are many benefits - like having time away from each other - but at the same time that can be a huge downfall. But, if you don't think you can handle it, it might be best to save yourselves a lot of heartache and break it off before he leaves.

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I don't agree with Metallic. I met a friend of mine 2 years ago and didn't think I'd have feelings for him beyond a great friendship, then he left on active duty overseas. I fell completely in love with him on his leave (when he came back to the U.S.) and have been emailing and talking on the phone since. He turned out to be the greatest guy in the world and lucky for me comes home in a few weeks... i went through a few uninteresting relationships and never knew i'd be so lucky...your boyfriend will be under a contract for a few years, but may never have to go overseas ... i say give it a try ... i'm not sure how long he will be gone, but it would just be awful to give up now when you haven't given it a chance ... don't break his heart ...at least not without giving it some time..

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Ok, I dont' agree with MetallicAguy either. Miliarty life doesn't make you that way unless you are already like that. But regardless, I guess it all depends what you feel. Maybe you should try the LDR for a while and see how it goes. If your feelings for him are strong enough, you may want to try it but maybe tell him that you cannot promise anything. Things happen when you are far from each other and adapting to a military relationship does take a lot of work.

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He's definetely going to be a changed man when he gets back from boot camp. Believe me. I think you should break it off now. If you've heard about anyone's friends or relatives coming back from bootcamp/army and they're coocoo in the head then you'll probably want to end it now.


Take what this guy says as a grain of salt. Im a Marine and I can tell you that if this guy has a good heart and is worth your time he will be better tenfold when he gets out of bootcamp. Trust me when I say that if its something you feel is worth is... you can make it work. Right now me and my girlfriend are going on three months in a LDR and its been going great. I surprised her with flowers on valentines day and I sent her a special gift for her b-day which she loved. If we can make it work then you can too. Just analyze if its really worth it... if it is then go for it! When its meant to be its meant to be.

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Thanks, guys. I talked to Jeremy about the whole situation last night, and he really assured me that its all going to work out. I know I'm 18, young, and in college, but hey, this is really a once in a lifetime guy, and I'm sure now that I know how the boy feels that he is worth the wait. It really helped to hear from some of you military men, so thanks for the imput. He leaves for boot camp in May, so wish him (and us) luck! Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hun, I know exactly what you're going through, I dated a guy who went into the Marines, and yea, whoever said they change dosen't know how right they are, but the kid who said their "coo-coo" is dead wrong. But it can go either way; for better or for worse it just depends on who they were to begin with. Mine wasn't worth it, and was just using me (as well as afew other girls) for when he came back and that's who he was to begin with I just never realized it so strongly until he came home. I hope you have better luck than I did, and by the sound of it you already are. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. Anyways, I wish the two of you the best of luck, and if you ever need to talk to someone who's delt with all this fist hand, I'll be there, I know it can be tough and it can be nice to have someone who can relate to you.

*you can contact me at email removed

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