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How to stay calm...


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Ok, so I get really nervous around this girl I like, usually I am calm around other women but I don't know why I get nervous. I get really energetic as if I just took 10 caffeine pills lol. Maybe it's because I'm not confident with myself idk. And when I'm not around her I slowly relax. Anyone know a way to act yourself(As in don't be all nervous and stuff) and be relaxed with yourself around a girl you like?

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Think of it this way: If you ask her out and she rejects you, you only regret that for a brief moment. Now if you get scared and never ask her out, you will regret that for life.


When you get nervous the next time you see her thinking that you want to ask her out, just remember this. It can be hard at times when you keep telling yourself that you are going to ask her out and building yourself up then when the moment comes, you get all scared and just want to run away. But focus on what's important and you will succeed (In getting rid of the nervousness, I dunno much about the girl in question).

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Start asking her to hang out with you or maybe with a few friends first. Don't fall into the friend zone. I am not saying that you can't get out of the friend zone, but why have her looking for other guys when you are right there, you know? So start moving forward, but not too fast. Subtly let her know you like her and see how she respond.

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Well I tried checking her out and NOT looking away, I'll tell you what happened. So in class she walks by after getting help from the teacher, sits down and zips up her sweater she notices me looking at her in her peripheral vision and then after noticing me (zipper is pretty much all the way up) she zips it halfway to where her boobs show. This mean anything? Oh yeah and she was first to look away so that's good I don't seem to be a weenie that way lol.

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Haha, don't take so much seriousness into little actions like zippers and a little cleavage. Sure it ...could mean something...but I wouldn't make any judgements or actions based on it. I just have two words for you on all this 'nervousness' you seem to have around the girl you like...STOP CARING....I know it sounds hard to think about. But you're running every bad possibility of what could happen thru your mind instead of all the good things. You have to talk and flirt and show confidence.


With that nervousness you have, you're probably talking fast, and shakin a little..maybe sweating....but you have to stop caring what she thinks of you. The more you care, the more you WILL screw up b/c you're showing that you're insecure in your actions and are afraid of what she might think if you do something stupid. You're coming off as unconfident b/c of this too....just stop caring so much.

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