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Do people seek out partners with similar body types?

Double J

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I've noticed that most of my male friends tend to look for, or desire girls with body types similar to theirs. My friend Mark is skinny and tall and is attracted only to girls who are tall and thin. Others who are considerably more robust (like myself) prefer thicker girls.


Can you guys relate, or do you have a different perspective when it concerns attraction?

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I must say I have never really noticed this occurrence but I must say I disagree with it. I would say it is pure coincidence unless you are talking about people who think they are the best looking in the world and are shallow enough to think that they should only be with people who have similar bodies to their own.

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Well it makes sense, as if you're really skinny you probably wouldn't want your gf to be thicker & taller than you...it might be a bit awkward then. But that's not to say it doesn't happen; one of my friends is actually quite overweight & her boyfriend is thin and hot...it just goes to show that some care about personality more than looks I guess.


But I think for most people it's true. I notice it a lot with couples...people usually try to find mates of about the same level of attractiveness as themselves. I think that was mentioned in my psych textbook as well, there's biological studies on it that show there is a correlation.


My last boyfriend, on the other hand, was about the same height as myself and wasn't as athletic as me. He felt a bit insecure because he thought that I was hotter than himself...but I usually look for guys taller than me (since I'm tall, 5'9" that's probably a reasonable request) and I would feel a little insecure myself if the guy was a lot skinnier than me.

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I dunno. I can't say I'm completely innocent...but it's better if one were to base relationships on mutual feelings for each other. I think relationships based on such last longer and are more honest than most--but I could be fooling myself.




That's my two cents, anyway.

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Well for a while I was really into the cuddly teddy bear type. I wouldn't say that's a good description of me. And my fiance is short, skinny, blonde... That's definitely not a description of me! LOL! I think it's sort of coincidence. It's like people who look like their dogs. They don't get the dog because they look alike... It just happens.

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Hmm...well the guy I'm attracted to now is very tall, blondish/brown hair, and amazing brown eyes...he's very athletic, and has a totally different clothing style than me (sorta punk indie-rock look...like Franz Ferdinand or something I guess.) In looks we're pretty much completely opposite, and he could get someway way hotter than me....I basically maintain that people look for people of about the same attractiveness as themselves. Sometimse you look higher or lower, but if you go higher you run the risk of rejection so that's why people are always so scared of asking them out...

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People are attracted to those with similar personality types, not body types. It doesn't matter who the person is on the outside as long as they connect on the inside. Have you ever seen talk shows where the have people who are opposites and in love? I believe I've seen that on Maury quite a bit. You can have someone skinny with someone big. You can have someone tall with a midget. True love doesn't have boundaries such as physical appearance.

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As ShySoul says, it's matching personality types more than body types - although I'm not denying that some people will initially steer towards the same body type.


Thinking about it, I'm tall and average build, yet I normally go for short girls - I can't say tall women do it for me, although I have gone out with one. Looking around at my friends, there doesn't seem to be much pattern there either, body-wise.

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I've always gone for guys who were just a hair taller than me and only about 10 pounds heavier. I've always felt a littler thicker than them, and I am a bit. I think a lot of guys like a little meat on the bones especially if it is in the right places. Women tend to be less judgemental about appearance than men are. It is more typical to see a hot girl with a chubby not so hot guy than a hot guy with a chubby not so hot girl. I do think it's true that people tend to gravitate towards people who are equal in attractiveness though. I dated a guy and after we broke up a lot of people told me they thought he was unattractive. I guess I wasn't turned on initially by his appearance but as I got to know him better he became more attractive to me. There was something about the size of his fore arms. I know it's weird.

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greenie - I have a thing for forearms, too! I thought I was the only one.


Oh, my god, me too.


Um, well yeah.. I'm pretty skinny but with curves, and the guys i'm attracted to are usually sort of, erm, 'thicker' (but with muscle definition - lots of it ). Guys/girls body shapes are different.. but I guess that all the guys i've been attracted to are the same as me, in a way. Like, tall and lanky really doesnt do anything for me.. meanwhile my tall and lanky friend loves them, so, hmm? Maybe you are onto something.

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I don't know about other people but generally I feel that the people that i am attracted to are way more attractive than i am. Thats why i generally don't approach guys. but i meen most people i know date people of the same "attractiveness level". However i think a lot of the time people are also attracted to those who are hotter than themselves, like i do,lol.

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It holds true for me. I am athletic but kinda short (5' 7") and thin (130). In the past I have usually dated girls that are the same height or shorter than me and around my weight. As with most of these kinds of topics, it will be a different case for everyone.

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