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we dated for 1.5 years and been friends for ages beforehand. during our friendship i had helped him through a tough depression because of uni work and stress and i started liking him towards the end but he was always very hot and cold towards me. ultimately he asked me out and it was going great for the majority of time. he moved out of state and told me continuously we would get married and we planned every little detail of it including kids names and how we would move in together soon too. however, out of the blue he said he stopped loving me but that he was falling for me again. he wanted to continue to go out as long as he had the chance to talk to other girls because otherwise i was the only girl in his life. i agreed and everything got better again. since it was LD i asked to message everyday and it was working great for like 6 months. then he suddenly started to ignore me, forget about messaging me and whenever i told him to message he would get angry. i wanted to leave on many MANY occasions because he was hurting me - he insulted me and brought up my past a lot - but he insisted i stayed by promising me a good future together. he used to invite girls to his house and go out late without telling me with girls. he would ignore me for days on end and not make any time for me, but made time for other girls. he called another girl hot to my face. one day, i told him i wasn't happy and he decided to use that to break up with me despite me trying my best to make it work for that whole time, with the false promises he gave me. i tried to get him back and he said he didn't want to talk again. i discovered that the 'hot' girl is with him and that was of the reasons for the break up so that doesn't feel great. this news has set me back to square 1. he insulted me to my friends very very viciously too which really hurt me. did i make a mistake? do i deserve better? I feel like I'll never move on or find someone who treated me as well as he did at the start. My heart hurts everyday.

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Yes you definitely deserve better, trust your intuition. Your pain and doubt and fear of being alone can cause you to think that you will never be able to find better. It may take a long time or it may be a short time, but someone better will come along. And I can say this for sure because every human being is unique in their own way and no two humans are the exact same. With that, you will find someone who has similar characteristics or traits that you valued in this partner in that future person, but you can also pick and choose what else you want in your future partner. I know you care about this person very much and that makes it really hard to move on or to let go, but you may find that once you let go and focus on yourself that person may come back. But if they don't come back, well guess what? You are that much of a better person because you focused on yourself and they missed out on all your awesomeness, it was their loss not yours. One day you will be able to look back and see things differently than what you are feeling right now. But I do believe you deserve better and can find it if you really set your mind to it and believe you deserve better, you will find it. If you believe that this person was the best you could get then, that is all you are going to get. It's up to you. I wish you the best of luck and keep posting on here for support.

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thank you so much. honestly he hurt me so much during our time together i don't really want him back. i want to move on and be indifferent but I'm so busy with college that its difficult to do all the things that people say about moving on e.g.. gym, going out with friends etc. any other tips?

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we dated for 1.5 years and been friends for ages beforehand. during our friendship i had helped him through a tough depression because of uni work and stress and i started liking him towards the end but he was always very hot and cold towards me. ultimately he asked me out and it was going great for the majority of time. he moved out of state and told me continuously we would get married and we planned every little detail of it including kids names and how we would move in together soon too. however, out of the blue he said he stopped loving me but that he was falling for me again. he wanted to continue to go out as long as he had the chance to talk to other girls because otherwise i was the only girl in his life. i agreed and everything got better again. since it was LD i asked to message everyday and it was working great for like 6 months. then he suddenly started to ignore me, forget about messaging me and whenever i told him to message he would get angry. i wanted to leave on many MANY occasions because he was hurting me - he insulted me and brought up my past a lot - but he insisted i stayed by promising me a good future together. he used to invite girls to his house and go out late without telling me with girls. he would ignore me for days on end and not make any time for me, but made time for other girls. he called another girl hot to my face. one day, i told him i wasn't happy and he decided to use that to break up with me despite me trying my best to make it work for that whole time, with the false promises he gave me. i tried to get him back and he said he didn't want to talk again. i discovered that the 'hot' girl is with him and that was of the reasons for the break up so that doesn't feel great. this news has set me back to square 1. he insulted me to my friends very very viciously too which really hurt me. did i make a mistake? do i deserve better? I feel like I'll never move on or find someone who treated me as well as he did at the start. My heart hurts everyday.


Hello Stapler123. Just cut this guy off. How can you think he treated you well? He sounds mean, manipulative and selfish. Think yourself luck that you got away. If he insulted you to your friends, then that's just further proof of his nasty character. LOTS of people can be nice at the start, but it's the behaviors and actions they are doing and there effect on you that counts in the end. You sound like you currently have low self esteem. So, first thing is try to get rid of 'poisons' like him and start to heal.TREAT YOURSELF BETTER than he ever did. Just think if this was your sister or close friend in this situation, how compassionate would you be? Do that to yourself. Make a list of thing you enjoy and DO them.

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I'm sorry this has happened. This is a case of a classic future faker aka user. You failed to recognize he was only "hot" when he wanted something from you. Then when he got it from you or someone else could provide it instead he'd go "cold" only to come back "hot" again when he needed something from you.


If you look back you'll see this was his pattern all along. He kept hold of you with promises of a "wonderful future" while never really providing you with a good relationship right then, right now, right in this moment. That's a mistake many of us make, not recognizing that the guy or girl who promises "I'm gonna, gonna, gonna, someday it'll be this, someday we'll be married, someday I'll be faithful, blah blah blah" is exactly the same scenario as if you were volunteering for someone for free, and they kept begging you not to leave and get a real job to pay your rent, because "I swear soon, I'll be able to pay you and pay you well, just keep borrowing money and ignoring the stack of bills. I promise you I'll pay you someday."


All that happens in each of those scenarios is empty promises never materialize and no, you should never accept a "someday we'll..." or a "someday I'll..." when it comes to things that should just be in the here and now. He should have simply been able to date you, commit to you, stay with you, be faithful to you. What you did for him, he should have been able to do exactly the same in kind.


That you accepted less and gave more, that you thought it was okay for someone to keep promising you, but never themselves really doing anything for you or with you, only gonna, gonna, gonna is what you need to work on.


Block and delete this guy. He's like my ex, he'll just keep coming around positive that you will always give him what he needs while never asking or demanding he give back in return. But one-way relationships always fail, if for no other reason than that they are closer to slavery than a real relationship.


Accept you never had a relationship with this guy, that he is a classic user and future faker (read about those here: She has a great website BTW, that you should check out anyways.) and that you need to dump his brand of toxicity out of your life.


Treat this as a learning experiencing. Focus on YOU and what you need to do to boost your own self-esteem and self-respect, so you don't find yourself playing therapist/chauffeur/always giver never beign given to by people. The biggest red flag there is, is when you find yourself with an emotional vampire helping them with things they should be paying a professional for or doing themselves. If this guy really had depression and stress and so forth he had plenty of resources via his local college or his own steam to get them. He should have been paying a real therapist, not burdening you with and demanding you "fix" him or make him "feel good" about himself.


Work on the overgiving of people who don't deserve it in the first place, work on your own self-esteem, dump this guy out of your life permanently and block and delete him on everything along with anyone else who shows his tendencies. Really decent good people will give back to you the same things you give to them. You must learn to tell those from the emotional vampires who will glom on to you then cry, cry, cry for more, more, more then turn on you when they have what they wanted or think someone else will give it to them.


You'll be okay if you just get rid of this guy and anyone like him and don't let anyone else like that get a toehold on while you raise your own self-respect. That all needs to come before you enter a relationship with anyone if you want it to be a healthy normal nontoxic relationship with a healthy, normal, nontoxic individual. And it is possible, because I did it. You can too and you deserve it, you deserve someone good in your life, not a user.

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BTW never base a relationship on how they treat you at the start. Everything in the first days is rosy, people are on their best behaviors. So you let them be and you get to know them AND THEN when or if you see red flags or they start to mistreat you, you cut them off then and there and move on. Basing everything on "Gee, I wish they'd treat me like they did in the beginning when they were either showing me the best side to impress me or hiding their true nature," is never what you want to base your opinions or how or why you stay with someone. Never.


It's after the honeymoon period has worn off, THAT is when you base a true opinion on someone. Everything up to then is both of you in the honeymoon glow. And if you see red flags you walk away even if you really do like them, even if you did hope they were genuine, because at that point you're just sticking your head in the sand to think the person they were in the beginning is who they are really. Same goes for if you've been with someone and they then change down the line and start mistreating you. Base your decisions and actions on how they treat you in the present, right here and now, not how it once was.


And you will find someone new, but my advice would be you take a solid year off all relationships and work on yourself. If you aren't happy with yourself and you think all happiness depends only on a relationship you are in for a very rough ride, because it's going about it all backwards. You have to be happy and have a good life you want to share, and then you let someone else share it with you. But you need to understand neither you or anyone else is responsible solely and only for your happiness and you theirs. Such a thing is emotionally unhealthy and people who are like that tend to attract the worst people and to be miserable and make others miserable. Happiness is YOUR responsibility for yourself, not anyone else's. And vice versa and while you can be happy with others and have a good relationship that and that alone should never be the sole basis of your happiness. Have a life, a good life, full of good things and let a relationship simply be one more of them.


When you can do that you'll be amazed at how quickly you pass on the bad ones and the right people find you. Start by blocking and deleting this guy, telling your friends what a jaka&& of a user he is and that you do not want to hear a single other word about him or from him and then move on. And dump any friends like him while you're at it.

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hey girly Im going through the same thing and yes it is very hard to go to the gym and hang out with friends. I will say that its going take you a while to get there . Give your self a little time to cry and freak out and w.e once you have done that try doing something nice for your self everyday. What seems to be working for me is coming to this forum and helping others it allows me to be helpful as well as keep my mind off of my own break up. Also having a friend where you can just talk to them and vent without them judging you is also good. Another thing! make sure you go NC and don't look at his social media. Tell all your friends you do not want an update on what your ex is doing. It will be hard because your curious and scared at the same time but its not fair to hurt yourself by getting updates about him and the girls that he is possibly involved with. YOU know you were a good gf and you were there for him. Leave it at that ! You put the effort into it and he can lie to himself and say otherwise but you know you gave 100 .He's a loser.

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He's such a loser, what's really helping me right now is getting angry. Get angry at him for doing all those horrible things to you. Okay so you cried to him told him to take you back. So what? It happened already, I did the same. You know what's helping me? I realized that I was doing all the right things for the wrong person and I loved this person who was so wrong for me despite all of his faults. So imagine when we meet the right person? The person who will love us as much as we love them. It'll be amazing. Stop beating yourself up, chin up. You're great and you're deserving of love, whether it's from another guy that you'll meet or its self love. We deserve it.

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YOU know you were a good gf and you were there for him. Leave it at that ! You put the effort into it and he can lie to himself and say otherwise but you know you gave 100 .He's a loser.


Wasn't directed to me, but thank you for this. This was exactly what I needed to read just now.

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what was it that helped you specifically to move on?


I decided that no matter what I "felt" my heart wasn't doing me any favors. At all. So I blocked the ex on every single avenue, told all my friends he wasn't welcome at all in my life and why in a few short succinct words, and that I never wanted to hear so much as his name on anyone's lips again. The friends who violated that and brought him up to me repeatedly soon got dumped although one friend did just sit me down and confess a few things and apologize for having hid some things from me. We're cool with each other now.


I took to journaling over the whole relationship and poured out my entire soul in what I called my vomit diary, because I just heaved every single unlovely thing about both of us up in those pages. And then one day I was bored, I read back over the journal and thought, "Wow, man. Where was my head at," and I destroyed it.


At the same time I did a couple of other things, I quit my ulcer factory job with the grownup version of the "Mean Girls" and dumped a few toxic friends and family out of my life. I took up something I had always wanted to do, art, and in my case when an opportunity came along to move my family to a better, more family-friendly environment I jumped at the chance. I also sought out a good therapist to help me in those times when self-doubt and "what have I done" came calling.


And yes it was hard to take responsibility for my own life. It was hard to force myself beyond the idea of "Oh, this guy was supposed to make me happy" and for me to just accept I'd taken up with the wrong person. And you know, at the end of the day I just admitted it, owned mine and his part in the mess, and moved on. So we have loved badly, so what. As long as you can understand you did everything you could, that you gave them a chance, and they blew it, who cares whether you were a so-called victim or doormat or what have you. At least you can look yourself in the eye in a mirror and know you don't go around using people for whatever you can get out of them.


Trust me when you get older and mortality starts to breathe down your neck, hard, that counts for a heck of a lot more than you might think it does now.


So flip the script. You aren't a victim of anything. You chose someone wrong to love and put your trust in and you just didn't walk away when you should have, because you chose to believe his lies. He lied to you. We all get lied to and if you show me one person who never believed someone's lies because they wanted to I'll show you a liar right then and there in the person who says, "I've never been lied to and believed the liar."


Start to think of yourself as free of this mess, free of him. Resolve never to let him back in no matter how much he might or might not beg or plead or cry that he made a mistake. (Which he is likely to do if he gets dumped by Ms. Hot Girl, who will soon enough realize what a creepy jerk the guy is and very likely dump him.) Resolve to yourself that you don't care how you feel, you're not letting someone that toxic back in even if they appear before you wreathed in a halo of frigging angels.


Then you pick your paint brush or grab your computer to go write that novel or you head out the door to the club, the gym, dinner with friends. And you keep going away from Mr. Ex toxic mess with your head held high, because you survived a jerk. And at the end of the day you're going to be okay while he, sadly, will always be a jerk who uses people for his own ends and can't treat someone right to save his life who would have been at his side until the bitter end.


Realize honey, it is his loss, not yours. You deserved better after the first time the little voice inside of you said, "This isn't normal, why does this person make me feel so miserable."


And that's one more thing, in the future trust yourself first. You do always know when someone isn't good for you, when they're doing things wrong to you. You need to trust yourself enough to know you'll walk away at the first signs of that, not the 200th.

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I decided that no matter what I "felt" my heart wasn't doing me any favors. At all. So I blocked the ex on every single avenue, told all my friends he wasn't welcome at all in my life and why in a few short succinct words, and that I never wanted to hear so much as his name on anyone's lips again. The friends who violated that and brought him up to me repeatedly soon got dumped although one friend did just sit me down and confess a few things and apologize for having hid some things from me. We're cool with each other now.


I took to journaling over the whole relationship and poured out my entire soul in what I called my vomit diary, because I just heaved every single unlovely thing about both of us up in those pages. And then one day I was bored, I read back over the journal and thought, "Wow, man. Where was my head at," and I destroyed it.


At the same time I did a couple of other things, I quit my ulcer factory job with the grownup version of the "Mean Girls" and dumped a few toxic friends and family out of my life. I took up something I had always wanted to do, art, and in my case when an opportunity came along to move my family to a better, more family-friendly environment I jumped at the chance. I also sought out a good therapist to help me in those times when self-doubt and "what have I done" came calling.


And yes it was hard to take responsibility for my own life. It was hard to force myself beyond the idea of "Oh, this guy was supposed to make me happy" and for me to just accept I'd taken up with the wrong person. And you know, at the end of the day I just admitted it, owned mine and his part in the mess, and moved on. So we have loved badly, so what. As long as you can understand you did everything you could, that you gave them a chance, and they blew it, who cares whether you were a so-called victim or doormat or what have you. At least you can look yourself in the eye in a mirror and know you don't go around using people for whatever you can get out of them.


Trust me when you get older and mortality starts to breathe down your neck, hard, that counts for a heck of a lot more than you might think it does now.


So flip the script. You aren't a victim of anything. You chose someone wrong to love and put your trust in and you just didn't walk away when you should have, because you chose to believe his lies. He lied to you. We all get lied to and if you show me one person who never believed someone's lies because they wanted to I'll show you a liar right then and there in the person who says, "I've never been lied to and believed the liar."


Start to think of yourself as free of this mess, free of him. Resolve never to let him back in no matter how much he might or might not beg or plead or cry that he made a mistake. (Which he is likely to do if he gets dumped by Ms. Hot Girl, who will soon enough realize what a creepy jerk the guy is and very likely dump him.) Resolve to yourself that you don't care how you feel, you're not letting someone that toxic back in even if they appear before you wreathed in a halo of frigging angels.


Then you pick your paint brush or grab your computer to go write that novel or you head out the door to the club, the gym, dinner with friends. And you keep going away from Mr. Ex toxic mess with your head held high, because you survived a jerk. And at the end of the day you're going to be okay while he, sadly, will always be a jerk who uses people for his own ends and can't treat someone right to save his life who would have been at his side until the bitter end.


Realize honey, it is his loss, not yours. You deserved better after the first time the little voice inside of you said, "This isn't normal, why does this person make me feel so miserable."


And that's one more thing, in the future trust yourself first. You do always know when someone isn't good for you, when they're doing things wrong to you. You need to trust yourself enough to know you'll walk away at the first signs of that, not the 200th.


Wow. I hope to one day be able to be like you. You're so strong.

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Wow. I hope to one day be able to be like you. You're so strong.


i do regret not breaking up with him earlier. i wish i was strong enough but i guess i needed that validation. he now has a really big ego because he thinks he can come back whenever and i'll be there. all i want to do right now is just vent at him, tell him all the bad things he's ever done and tell him to go away. i wish i did that earlier

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Wow. I hope to one day be able to be like you. You're so strong.


My point is that I wasn't very strong at all. I was a total people pleaser and I kind of let myself be a doormat repeatedly thinking that was how to get people to like me and be nice to me. It took some hard experiences, therapy and pushing myself beyond my limits to get there. And I will not lie and tell you there were not times I had to breathe into a brown paper bag to keep from having a full-blown panic attack.


The first time I really stood up for myself and told someone to get lost I had to go home where I promptly broke into giant itching hives, I was that upset and shaky about it. But saying no got easier and easier and in time I was able to just comfortably say no and yes both easily to the right people. It takes some practice, this having a backbone.


You'll get there, just work things out on your own, don't let this guy back into your life or anyone like him. You're gong to be okay, because you already have the hardest part done--you're free of him. Now make sure it stays that way and move forward.

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My point is that I wasn't very strong at all. I was a total people pleaser and I kind of let myself be a doormat repeatedly thinking that was how to get people to like me and be nice to me. It took some hard experiences, therapy and pushing myself beyond my limits to get there. And I will not lie and tell you there were not times I had to breathe into a brown paper bag to keep from having a full-blown panic attack.


The first time I really stood up for myself and told someone to get lost I had to go home where I promptly broke into giant itching hives, I was that upset and shaky about it. But saying no got easier and easier and in time I was able to just comfortably say no and yes both easily to the right people. It takes some practice, this having a backbone.


You'll get there, just work things out on your own, don't let this guy back into your life or anyone like him. You're gong to be okay, because you already have the hardest part done--you're free of him. Now make sure it stays that way and move forward.


I loved everything you said in this thread. Not only is the hard part moving on and letting that person go but the other hard will be if that person returns not to let them in.It is always easy to think man I love this person and he probably changed but at that point he either has to have changed so much and prove him self or you just have to suck it up and walk away and believe you will find someone better.

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He's such a loser, what's really helping me right now is getting angry. Get angry at him for doing all those horrible things to you. Okay so you cried to him told him to take you back. So what? It happened already, I did the same. You know what's helping me? I realized that I was doing all the right things for the wrong person and I loved this person who was so wrong for me despite all of his faults. So imagine when we meet the right person? The person who will love us as much as we love them. It'll be amazing. Stop beating yourself up, chin up. You're great and you're deserving of love, whether it's from another guy that you'll meet or its self love. We deserve it.


I totally agree. Sometimes its very hard not to blame yourself. I find myself thinking man I gave him everything and I was good to him and in return he was selfish and hurt me in many ways.Maybe there's something wrong with me ,maybe I'm not good enough because if I was he would have never left me.Its hard not to think like that but what I learned is the wrong person will make you feel like that ,make you feel unworthy and hopeless even though you were the best girlfriend to them.

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i do regret not breaking up with him earlier. i wish i was strong enough but i guess i needed that validation. he now has a really big ego because he thinks he can come back whenever and i'll be there. all i want to do right now is just vent at him, tell him all the bad things he's ever done and tell him to go away. i wish i did that earlier


Yeah it happens to the best of us and trust me he knows you like the back of his hand so unless he is really genuine about wanting you back do not take him back! He will leave again! Trust me, my ex did it to me. When I took him back he didnt really have to work for it which was a huge mistake on my part.

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so although it hurts ive come to the realisation, using the advice given to me. he used me for support and because he was bored. he might have liked me a little but not love. it was infatuation at most. he used me then after the honeymoon phase ended he needed to find someone new because i wanted a very serious commitment in marriage. he knew id stay only if he validated that commitment by promising me marriage which he wouldve never done. i do really hope he regrets what hes done to me because i genuinely feel like i couldnt have been a more supportive, or caring person for him. i would never take him back now. all im scared about for the future is that i never feel the same way i did for him to anyone else??

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so although it hurts ive come to the realisation, using the advice given to me. he used me for support and because he was bored. he might have liked me a little but not love. it was infatuation at most. he used me then after the honeymoon phase ended he needed to find someone new because i wanted a very serious commitment in marriage. he knew id stay only if he validated that commitment by promising me marriage which he wouldve never done. i do really hope he regrets what hes done to me because i genuinely feel like i couldnt have been a more supportive, or caring person for him. i would never take him back now. all im scared about for the future is that i never feel the same way i did for him to anyone else??


Yeah, I feel the same way. I'm also scared that once I get to the point where I moved on fully that if my ex said he was sorry and wanted to work things out that I will say its too late but you know what that just might be a part of me thats still trying to hold on.EFF IT! Let him go, try it. I will try to. If they come back you deal with the situation then but you can't worry about that because your not there yet, its has not happened yet.

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I agree with ParisPaulette, he is a user, future faker. It is like dangling a carrot in front of you, so that you can't move on. He will never give you the carrot. No matter how much you feel the urge to be there for him and if you just did "this" or "that" it would work out. It won't, he will always have a reason. He is not good enough for you.

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