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Wisdom teeth probs


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I need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and they are suggesting general anesthetia. I am so nervous so I put this on hold for now. Has anyone ever got 4 pulled at once and been knocked out during it? Can u share any advice/stories?. My anxiety is so high thinking of this day and it didnt even happen yet. Not to mention I have fear of dentists in general.


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I had my wisdom teeth pulled by US Navy. They didn't put me to sleep. They put shots inside my mouth that hurt a lot and went to work.


It was terrible experience since I was seeing everything happen. You will not to worry about it since you will be sleeping..


Good luck!

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Yes I had all 4 pulled and went under. It was a little scary for sure, it was the first time I've ever gone under. But coming out of it was amazing! Before I got home and the drugs started wearing off and I had the pain and the blood. But it wasn't too bad. I have a low threshold for pain in general.


You will be so happy after it's done. The pain I was having in my teeth every time I ate was so much worse than having them pulled, and I almost never have pain in my teeth anymore, even 5 years later.

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I had 4 molars pulled before I got braces when I was younger. They didn't put me under, even though 3 of them were beneath the gums still. They put some numbing gel in my mouth and then gave me 5 shots to numb me even more - one on each side of my mouth (top and bottom) and one on the roof of my mouth. I also had laughing gas. Even with all the numbness, I still felt the one on the roof of my mouth, but it was more of just feeling like something was being pressed there - not like a shot. They then took out the molars. I felt a lot of pressure and the sounds coming from them yanking were more scary than anything else, but there was no pain. There is dull aching afterwards, but it can be managed with pain relievers.


I also had to have some surgery on my mouth while I had braces. They had to fit a band around one of the molars that never grew down out of my gums. I was put out for that one because it was so far up in my mouth. I remember her telling me they were administrating the anesthesia (through an IV), and it must've only taken me a minute or so to fall asleep, but I remember listening to my mom and the nurse having a conversation about a TV show. I remember really wanting to take part in it and share my opinion, but I just couldn't seem to get my mouth to work. I was completely coherent, but it was like I was paralyzed. Before that thought could scare me, though, I was out. When I awoke, it took awhile for me to come around enough to get in the car to go home. Afterwards, the area there is tender but again, easily managed with meds.


The important thing to remember is to clean the areas really well and try not to get food or anything in the holes as they are healing. And avoid sticking your tongue there. Google "dry socket".

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I had my wisdom tooth pulled out less than a year ago (I was lucky to have only one).


I was freaked out as much as you were about being under anesthesia. But honestly, I was glad I did it. I didn't feel any pain. I couldn't drive home because of being under anesthesia, so I had my husband take off to drive me in, be in to talk to the dentist after the procedure and drive me home. I was on pain killers and playing video games... and those pain killers are STRONG! It was the best day ever to be so freaking... "mellow."




It will take about 1-2 weeks for you to eat solid food.


The only worst thing about it is the pain killer medication will constipate you. You need to take laxatives after a few days or your feces will be hard as a rock and it will be painful to take a crap. I made the mistake of taking laxatives on a day I had to work where I only get one bathroom break the entire day >_


But yea, you will be fine. This is a very minor surgical procedure.

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I only had one pulled, but I had the novocaine shot AND nitrous oxide. I was so nervous when I walked into the ortho, but once I got that gas...pssh. I couldn't care if I lived or died. My heartbeat was actually REALLY slow and I thought I was dying but was literally like "Eh". Then Samuel Jackson started screaming in my ear that "the man" was out to get me. I felt like one or two little tugs and by the time Sam stopped yelling at me it was done. It seemed like it was maybe 5 minutes, but who knows how long it was. Good times.

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I only had one pulled, but I had the novocaine shot AND nitrous oxide. I was so nervous when I walked into the ortho, but once I got that gas...pssh. I couldn't care if I lived or died. My heartbeat was actually REALLY slow and I thought I was dying but was literally like "Eh". Then Samuel Jackson started screaming in my ear that "the man" was out to get me. I felt like one or two little tugs and by the time Sam stopped yelling at me it was done. It seemed like it was maybe 5 minutes, but who knows how long it was. Good times.


The laughing gas is great. It tickled my stomach so much for some reason. I would just lie there giggling and my mom had to leave because she was laughing at me. Good times.

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I had all four removed and I paid the extra to go under anesthetic and it was well worth it. I am not a fan of dentists either and it is certainly not something you need/want to be awake for as that may increase your anxiety about the whole procedure. It was the first time I went under so I was nervous but it went just fine, no problems at all.

If you want to ease your mind, look up all the post surgery videos on youtube, they will give you a good laugh, and hopefully help calm your nerves about the whole procedure.

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The laughing gas is great. It tickled my stomach so much for some reason. I would just lie there giggling and my mom had to leave because she was laughing at me. Good times.


I get it even when I need a cavity filled. I'm always so stressed out and it's a legal high so I pay the extra.

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I had all 4 removed at the same time. I only had local anesthetic. I thought I would still be awake for the whole thing but I don't remember any of it. A few years later I was kind of job shadowing at a dental clinic that did a lot of wisdom tooth removals and apparently it's a pretty common thing for people to fall asleep & not remember a thing.


For me, waking up was the worst part. I remember feeling like I was in a deep sleep that someone was forcing me to wake up from, even though I woke up on my own. My stepdad had driven me to the dental office & I was apparently pretty loopy afterward.


I was in high school & tried to go to school the next day because I felt pretty good. Bad idea. I made it half a day before completely feeling like crap & went home. I tried to eat the lunch at school and because I didn't feel well, it was disgusting. I still remember what the meal was & I couldn't eat those particular food items again for a couple years. Overall the procedure itself wasn't bad, but recovery would have been much better if I had just taken the following day to rest & not do anything. My advice is to do just that. Take it easy afterward for a day or two and it will go much better!

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