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Boyfriend's past

Guest Roseunicorn

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Guest Roseunicorn

I've been with my boyfriend almost a year and a half now and we are both 18, having been 16 when we got together. I've just seen some messages from a few months before we met and feel ridiculously sick. It has always disgusted me how many girls he's simultaneously spoken to in the past, but I've tried to ignore it because it's in his past and is ultimately none of my business. However, I'm not sure how to get over this and feel really bad for judging him, but he was talking to a girl who had just turned 13; the conversation was very sexual based and at one point he even asked her to get in his bed. Am I overreacting? How to I help judging him? And how can I get over it and stop feeling so sick? She was less than 2 years older than my little sister is now!!!

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How is his loyalty now that he is with you? Has he given you any reason to believe that he's still sexually soliciting underage girls or girls of age for that matter?



How do you help judging him? I don't think doing what he did with someone he knew was underage is anything to ignore, particularly if he's still up to it because it speaks to the very essence that is him. A litigation JUDGE would judge him for that because it's against the law so it's kind of understandable why you do.


Have you discussed this situation with him? If you have, what did he have to say for himself? If you haven't, why haven't you?

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