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writing poetry/songs


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Hi everyone. I play guitar, and Ive been trying really hard to put some words to some songs. Everyone says just to let the words come out of you and just write down your train of thought, but when I do that, it just sounds like junk. I tried writing a poem for my gf for Valentines, and of course she lacked, but it seemed so one-dimensional and flimsy to me. If anyone has advice for writing songs or poetry please let me know.

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Ah hey, well, I can relate to you man...I am a guitar 'player' too...meaning I screw around sometimes, and kinda write songs. The way you sound, it seems like you're better than I am...but I don't really know how to advise in writing songs......stuff....well more like lyrics, just come to me....usually at odd times too. Usually its when I have some sort of high stress....and usually they're in a lecture class haha, but yea...I just write them down when I think of them. It's never really on purpose...I have like probably 6 - 10 songs in th e corners of my notebooks from notes in these classes. It's hard to forcefully write songs, even tho some ppl can probably do it....


Also, if the song didn't seem to sound right or flow well...just work on it. Most of my lyrics that come to me at first don't always flow well...so I work on them later on. Good luck, later.

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Hey there,


My advice is this, if you sit down and try to force yourself to write something, you probably are going to get caught up on focusing on that rather than what you want to write. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to wait until something inspires you and the second you have inspiration, sit down and just put your pen to the paper. Don't worry about making it "rhyme" and such right away...just get your ideas down first. To write something good, you really need to be in the 'mood'. I think you just need to come at it from a different angle. Sometimes you need to write when you may perhaps not have thought to do anything at all but 'calm down'. For example, if you get really angry, you might just want to 'take a breath'...but grab a pen and paper while you take that time out. Or if you just got back from spending some real quality time with your girlfriend...sit down and write about what you're feeling while it is still fresh. I think good writing comes from real emotion, and the funny thing? The writing doesn't even always have to be about what is lending you the emotions...you could be upset about...failing a test (perhaps not the best example, but if that kind of thing gets you upset enough), and write a song about the girl who broke your heart. Emotions are the fuel for writing.


Anyway, I hope I was some help? Oh, one more thing. You mentioned you play guitar. Well, when it comes to writing songs that you want to really play and such as apposed to writing say...a poem. Another good way to come at it is humming and singing it in your head. Just randomly start throwing words and tunes in your head and "free-styling". You'd be surprised the things you can come up with that way. You can also do it outloud when you're alone with your guitar.


Well, best of luck to you with all of that.

Take Care.

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try writing when you're feeling inspired...when you want to write. i'm a singer/songwriter/guitar player as well. i often write songs and poetry when i am having a really intense emotion. that's when i get my best material. don't try to force it. do it when it feels natural. write about things that you are passionate, experiences that are very close to you. the best writing advice i've ever had is write what you know. when you write about your personal experiences, feelings, etc., people can more easily relate to your songs, because they are honest, real, portrayals of life. good luck!

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