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Tobacco Snus. What kind?


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So I no longer wish to step outside to smoke a cigarette since its getting way too cold and I just wont smoke in my apartment. No one tell me to just quit altogether because I'm just not ready yet. Anyway, I think chewing is disgusting just because of the spitting you have to do. I thought about a way to get my nicotine without chewing tobacco and cigarettes..then I thought of snus. Any snus fans out there? I remember I had did camel snus a few years ago and due to the low nicotine levels, I just stopped doing it because I felt like I wasn't getting anything out of it. I want to go back to snus and the only place I can get it from is a local gas station here..speedway. I know they have camel snus, Skoal snus, Marlboro snus? But I heard they all suck because there's hardly any nicotine. I want a snus that has enough nicotine that I will be able to feel the tingle or pepper feeling. Are there any like that sold at gas stations? What brand? How strong? Price? Thanks

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