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Everybody on this site is so amazing!


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(I'm not sure if I posted this in the correct forum, therefore I apologise).

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone on this site that has helped me, and many other people.

You all are so amazing, and your advice really helps, especially as there are so many people here struggling, and there are many understanding and loving individuals in this world.

This is one of my favourite websites, I check it daily, and whenever I feel down about my situation I feel so much comfort in knowing there are many lovely individuals who are willing to help and support me, as well as many people going through the same feelings and emotions, as I don't feel so alone.

I just want to say, I hope everybody has had an amazing start to 2016, and I also hope to the individuals who are struggling currently, I bless you with love and happiness.

Everyone I believe needs to remember that life isn't perfect, and it would be very boring if everything went our way all the time. Yes, heartbreak is terrible, one of the worst feelings in the world, but it's so much comfort knowing that there are so many people that want us to heal and become the best people we can become.

There must always be rain before a rainbow, and sadness and heartache doesn't last forever.

One day we will all find someone who makes us a better person, who lifts us up, and loves us for the amazing, unique and beautiful human being we are.

I realised something valuable the other day, and what I realised is that if someone cannot see you in the light you see them, if they cannot love you the way you deserve to be loved, if they make you unhappy, anxious or make you have low self-esteem, and basically they bring out the worst in you: they are not worth it.

We are all beautiful, every SINGLE one of us, we are unique and amazing.

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