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Bad/funny dating experiences


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Lol! I've never understood why people think it's just okay to start touching you. I've noticed it so much lately, everywhere. Happens way too much. Like...did I give you any sort of signal or vibe? Ugh, don't touch me. Respect the bubble haha


I had that just recently. First meet and greet. One hour into a cup of coffee and he stretches his arm over and begins to caress my arm and look at me with some googely eyes and a sexy smirk.

I didn't move, froze, looked down at what he was doing, starting laughing and asked `what are you doing??' It embarrassed him but that was my intention.

Yah. . not a match.

Who does that to someone they don't even know??

Apparently a lot of people like to test you to see what you're all about.

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I had an OLD meeting once who was very specific about planning our meeting. I met him at restaurant bar where he was standing next to a bar stool. He greeted me and gave a single house key and asked me to take his seat and left to his car to retrieve his wallet. As I sat there and stared at the key in my palm I had a bad feeling.


When he returned, put the key back on his key ring and without shame explained to me that he leaves his wallet in his car intentionally every time. If the date it is not to his liking he doesn't come back. He told me I was lucky, I got the key as insurance he would return.

I excused myself and left.

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I had an OLD meeting once who was very specific about planning our meeting. I met him at restaurant bar where he was standing next to a bar stool. He greeted me and gave a single house key and asked me to take his seat and left to his car to retrieve his wallet. As I sat there and stared at the key in my palm I had a bad feeling.


When he returned, put the key back on his key ring and without shame explained to me that he leaves his wallet in his car intentionally every time. If the date it is not to his liking he doesn't come back. He told me I was lucky, I got the key as insurance he would return.

I excused myself and left.


Wow!!! I mean, it's a good idea, but sheesh......



I actually don't have very many bad dating stories, as a matter of fact. I think the worst was recently, and it wasn't a date (or at least, I didn't think it was. Still not sure, to be honest!).


On Christmas, we celebrated at my father's place. Afterwards, I somehow agreed to going out with my dad's girlfriend's son, M. He asked if I wanted to get out of there and go play pool with his buddy and his girl. I thought he was just being nice since it was Christmas Eve. So I said sure. We were going to a place a few blocks from my apartment anyway, so it was convenient. M doesn't have a car, so I drove. Figured I'd just head home after. On the way, he tells me more about himself; he's a bronzer, the apprentice to the master, makes really good money, and is a part time cook at a bar on the side for some spending money, too. We talk and then he goes "so after pool, since we'll be drinking, I'll just crash at your place if that's cool".


I was like ".......what?". I live in a studio. I have no couch. No air mattress. No cot. Just my bed. And I don't share beds with men unless I'm in a relationship with them. He basically invited himself over to spend the night, knowing we'd both be drinking, and I'm just assuming what he'd think would happen. Well, no thanks.


So we get there and play a few rounds. His buddy's girl got pissy because he wasn't paying attention to her. So I finally got it: M invited me to keep her company so he could hang with his bro. Then he knew I lived downtown anyway, so there was a place he could crash after.


So I finished my game, calmly told him I was leaving. He walked me to my truck, told me to text him when I got home, and told me he'd call me if he needed to crash at my place. I'd already stammered earlier in the truck acceptance (because I didn't want to ruin the evening and since his mom is dating my dad, I didn't want to be rude), so I couldn't back out; but later he texted that he was in the next city north and was good for a place to crash. Thank goodness! Last time I ever go out with him again with just us two, and I'll definitely be saying no to whatever he asks.

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My funniest/worst one was about two years ago with a guy I met off Tinder (I should have known lol). He tells me where and when to meet because he has our date planned, but when I show up and we meet he has no clue what we're doing and puts it on me that I didn't think of anything. We finally decide to go to the aquarium, where he proceeds to talk about himself the entire time and asks nothing about me. When I mention a story or fact about myself, he doesn't acknowledge that I've said anything and keeps talking about himself.


I wanted to shake him but we were both walking home in the same direction so we walked for a while, and he tells me how into me he is and asks me if I want to go camping with him in July and if I could book a certain weekend off work...It was February. So awkward. He's also talking about me coming to meet his family over Easter and seems to have the entire summer planned out for us even though it was like 5-6 months away. We get back into the city and I awkwardly try to make my exit (this was when I didn't have much self confidence and was a people pleaser), but he asks if he can take me to his favourite place right around the corner and I (stupidly) agree. Turns out that place is a restaurant so I now find myself having dinner with him. Over dinner he wants to know every single detail about my past relationships and tells me all about his even though I didn't ask.


I didn't think it could get worse but after dinner he invites me for drinks/a night out with his entire friend group, and this is when I say I didn't think I was interested in a relationship and ran home. The next day, he send me 10 different pictures (throughout the day over text) of different date ideas. One was a picture of a picnic being like "let's do this!" and one was a picture of a sunset beach saying "I would love to do this with you". 10 of them!! So I text him and lay it out very very clearly that I didn't want anything more with him and that was it. He seemed to understand and we said goodbye. One week later I wake up to a text from him at 2am asking me to be friends with benefits because "we are clearly extremely attracted to eachother" and if I didn't want a relationship it would be a good arrangement as long as we promised "not to fall for eachother". Didn't even bother responding, just blocked him. Needless to say I haven't had Tinder since.

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While reading these I'm struck at how unaware some people are.


I was sitting in a local bar one day having a beer. At the corner of the bar were this young couple who obviously just met. I love to watch people date, and watch body language. This was classic. They started out nervously smiling and facing each other. But it didn't seem to take long for the woman to get bored. And no wonder. This guy wouldn't shut up. He wouldn't pause, and she couldn't get a word in. I can understand if he was nervous. But I can't understand how he could miss the obvious body language. She started by physically leaning back in her bar stool. Then she turned the stool away from him. He continued blah, blah, blah. Then she started looking around the room, checking her watch. Looking over once and a while and nodding.


Finally she excused herself and went to the washroom. The guy looked quite pleased with himself. I bet myself that when she returned from the washroom she would get a text and have to leave. Sure enough. She sat down and the guy started blah, blah, blah. About 30 seconds later she pulled her purse out of her phone. Made a look of concern worthy of an Oscar and then bolted. As she ran away I'll never forget two things. The smile on the guy as he said "I'll call you" and the rolling eyes of the woman as she couldn't believe what just happened.

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another OLD meet n' greet. I typically arrive early. I like to feel settled, order my own coffee/drink and wait rather than walking in the door with that deer and in the headlights look. . lol.


I had just gotten off work, arrived a little extra early and ordered a glass of wine and an appetizer. I also asked for my check and paid it before my date arrived so there wasn't any odd sense of obligation.


He arrived and I could see him assessing my food/bill etc and initially he declined a drink when asked. When he realized my bill was paid only then did he ask for a glass of wine. Mine was near empty and the bartender asked I would like another and I said yes. My date paid for both glasses of wine but I could sense he wasn't happy about it. All he paid for was one happy hour glass of house wine.


We get up to leave and both of our cars are parked out front and there was a bar next door. Initially he didn't seem to want to end the date so he asked if I would go next door with him, besides `I owed him a drink'.


Hmmm. . .Suddenly it didn't seem to be playful or of come from a genuine place of wanting to spend time with me but rather keeping score and wanting to square things up. I didn't want anything else to drink, considered our date more than done, but I walked in and told the bartender to get the man what he wanted, paid for it and said good night, leaving him there by himself.


I have no problem paying for my own or others for that matter but the apparent score keeping was a huge turn off.

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^^ I like how he decided not to order anything initially just in case he might get stuck with the bill for yours. I mean, if I had offered to treat someone to food/drinks & they were already almost done before I got there it might feel weird about that, but seriously would you not expect that someone on a date would order something to eat or drink regardless of who is paying for it?


He actually stated that you "owed him a drink" when he offered to go next door?


As a result of this thread I found another website where people write in about their bad dates. I haven't gone on dates with anyone I didn't already know pretty well in many years, but what I take from it is don't be shy about just leaving when things go south. I tend to be a person who does what they say they will do (like continue spending an afternoon/evening with someone if I said I would) but if they are being rude, there's nothing wrong with calling it off early. And definitely drive yourself on the first few dates!!

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OMG, I forgot about the guy with whom I'd had a casual FWB thing with for a few years


I invited him over one night for drinks and a movie (and, obviously, sex) and he told me he was hurting for money, so would I be willing to "buy his as*"? As in, pay him to have sex with me.


Needless to say, I turned that suggestion down. As if!!!

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