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Signs that she already has a boyfriend?


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I'm a senior in high school, and haven't ever really had a steady relationship with a girl before, but lately I have tried.


In one of my computer class, there is this girl that sits accross from me. She is a sophomore, but looks older. But that really doesn't matter. I haven't really talked to her except for at the end of class today to ask her what she was doing over winter break next week. During the past couple of days, I have been glancing at her from time to time..actually, well, a lot, but most of the time I don't think she notices. The first day I really was drawn to her (just the other day), she kept twirling her hair and glancing back at me from time to time. She's really cute, too.


But anyways, are there any signs that she might already have a boyfriend without directly asking her?



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She's shy and wants to get to know you, just a tip; the hair-twirling is the easiest common sign shes flirting with you. If she smiles and then looks away when your looking at her or shes combining the hair-twirl while staring at you it's pretty easy to tell if she's interested in you. I think she needs to open up to you more before you get any further. So I think you should become friends first and then see how it goes from there so far the signs are good so keep on working on it. And another thing: Don't flood her with attention, it just scares women off.

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If there are any friends of hers in that class, somewhat eavesdrop on their conversation. I know that might sound bad, but that's how I found out about the girl I like.


Or you could always ask one of her friends if she has a boyfriend. Keep in mind that the friend most likely will tell her you asked that (the girl you like will put two and two together and figure out you like her). This can be good and bad. If she likes you too and finds out, she could be more open to you. If she doesn't like you, she could completely stop all contact with you. Both have happened to me.

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