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My ex just texted me happy new year


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So my ex just texted me "happy new year, hope all is well". The one I just wrote about, who I thought might be engaged. I still don't know if he is engaged or not. I've initiated contact with him previously and he would always just reply but he has never continued convo or initiated. A month ago I had initiated contact and he showed me pics from a trip he took and I complimented etc. he never continued convo. He has never initiated convo with me since we split till today.


I don't know if he's engaged or not. I mean it seems as so? But I haven't seen a picture of them together officially, just psycho detective work. And this text is probably his guilt talking. I don't know, should I respond or ignore? I kind of want to know if he's engaged or not to be honest, put some finality to this. But it also looks so pathetic if I text back with "happy new year too, how are you??"

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