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Post break up routine

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Happy new year to all - may we all find love and happiness this year.


So what is it? What routine/habits do everyone have after a break up? Mine usually is, I analyze the hell out of things/the relationship and wonder about the whys and what went wrong until I can make sense of it in my head, drive my friends crazy talking about it, read inspirational/sad things and mope. Then when I'm slightly healthier I start gyming/going out again.


What do others do to get over a break up? Run? Drink? Sleep with anyone? Eat your sadness away?

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Lol....pretty much the same. A broken heart certainly brings out our more negative side. I go through periods of absolute sadness and where I want to be a recluse....then I feel better for a few days and become more positive and focused. Healing is so different for everyone...just let yourself grieve. You need to in order to move on fully.

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Take the appropriate amount of time to think about what happened (i say that because no matter what, everyone does) then start keeping yourself busy with your own activities. Each time you do a fun/enjoyable activity it gets easier and easier to not think about it. Doesn't really matter what it is but its interesting to see what helps a person out the most in getting over it and taking note if that thing had a role in the level of happiness of the relationship.


Wanted to add, a way to look at it, it's similar to when a loved one dies. Not to the same extreme ofcourse but the concept that it doesn't matter how long it takes per say, the more you think about it, the worse you emotions get. You just learn to deal with it over time in your own way.

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I'm two months into my first breakup. I was miserable during the first month. I lost a lot of weight and kept over analyzing the breakup. I kept blaming and beating myself up over what happened. My ex even contacted me two weeks afterward and told me it was not my fault. Honestly though, it doesn't matter because we cannot change the past. Sometimes people change and relationships end because life gets in the way. I still blame myself every so often, but it wasn't as bad as it was two months ago and I try not to make it a habit. This week has been especially tough for me because I spent the holidays without my ex. I'm abstaining from alcohol and trying to focus more on my work and hobbies. I'm also very fortunate to have a lot of close friends who lets me ramble about my breakup into the wee hours of the morning. I was so lonely when my ex left me, but then my friends (some I haven't talked to in years) contacted me and provided me with an insurmountable amount of support. The biggest take-home message that I got from this breakup is that at the end, having a close group of friends is much more important than having a girlfriend. I owe them so much. The pain is still sharp, but I hope it goes away with time.

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