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Off topic, need advice about my purchase.


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I've never dealt with a problem like this. I'm hoping I can get some advice. I purchased 2 expensive collector's items, both signed by the artist, from an online store. I bought one as a gift for my friend and one for me, and I bought them on sale.


Before purchasing my items, I called customer service to find out if I could purchase shipping insurance. (The items are somewhat fragile.) Customer service said they insure all of their items, so I went ahead and made my purchase.


I received my items in the mail and opened the box to check everything. (The box said fragile all over.) Unfortunately, one of the items was slightly damaged during shipment. It could have been the way the company packed the item, or it could have happened during shipment. I don't know for sure. Either way, the item is damaged. Two pieces are completely broken off.


I called customer service to let them know. (The customer service person was a bit rude to me, even before I told her why I was calling.) I explained that my item had been damaged, and I explained what and how it was damaged. She asked if it was something that I could glue back on. (Huh?) I told her, "Well...yes. I guess it's possible." She, then, told me that they might be able to give me store credit but she'd have to get it approved first. The customer service person told me they would contact me within 3 days.


I don't know whether I should be happy or not. I was surprised they didn't offer to give me back part or all of my shipping fee or offer a partial refund for the damaged item. There is the chance that they won't offer me store credit either. Any suggestions? Should I call back and explain that the damage hurts the value of the item, since it's a collector's piece? I can't just glue the piece back on without anyone noticing it was glued.


Please give me your advice. Thanks!

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Perhaps you could contact customer service back and ask them to ship you out another, un-damaged item at no extra charge? Sometimes things happen during shipping .It could be something as simple as torn paper on the wrapper or a dented box. Depending on the nature of the contents and the method of packaging. If you bought from reputable store, you should have no problem getting it replaced. Otherwise, hopefully whoever mailed it, insured the contents for full value.Good luck

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Thanks for replying, Dottie! I can't ask for a new one because there aren't any more.


Anyway, customer service called me back. I spoke to them more about the issue. They offered to give me a partial refund, since it is something that can be glued back on. It's not much, but it pays me for the time I'll spend gluing. Unfortunately, I won't get back the value that I lost. I did ask if it'd be better for me to contact the shipping company, but customer service told me they would have to do the claim. Since there isn't extensive damage to the outside of the package, they most likely won't get anything from the claim.

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Call back and complain again and ask to speak to a manager. In cases like this, the more noise you make, the better you'll be heard. I'd ask for a full refund and free return shipping. Don't accept the breadcrumbs they are giving you.


You called and they assured you everything would be insured - so now insist that you get your money back. Be polite, but persistent.

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If the item was in fact insured, the company you ordered it from could file a claim against the shipper and get reimbursed. Theres no excuse for the company not to give you a full refund. You paid for a collectable item and it arrived damaged. The fault lies with them, not with you.


I would do a couple of things: kindly ask them for a full refund. If they insured the package they would comply. If they say no then go to your credit card company and do a chargeback. Explain your circumstances and they'll likely try to help you. Finally, if that doesnt work threaten to file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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Last time I bought some decorative items online, not too expensive but really nice. They were delivered and some items were broken. The items were very poorly wrapped. I made pictures of the broken items, sent an e-mail to the company and they sent new items and I did not need to return the broken ones.

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