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I agree ,The Mods and Admins do a good job keeping this forum safe and welcoming environment for vulnerable people. However, It boggles my mind why some people answer blatant troll posts. Why? It's pointless other than encouraging them further and gave him/her the uprise and attention they're seeking. I see no useful purpose in such - trolls only hang around where they're being fed. If we refuse to acknowledge then , they'll get bored and move on."Don't feed the trolls"

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LOL, that's the whole point, responding is giving them exactly what they want since their sole purpose is to disrupt and get a reaction.I also noticed that trolls and blatantly obvious poes typically receive the most responses --which is incidentally why they troll.


I always ignore threads like that but whatever floats your boat man

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LOL, that's the whole point, responding is giving them exactly what they want since their sole purpose is to disrupt and get a reaction.I also noticed that trolls and blatantly obvious poes typically receive the most responses --which is incidentally why they troll.


I always ignore threads like that but whatever floats your boat man


The way I see it, if those people are that miserable that THAT is the only thing that makes them feel good - hey, I'll indulge them for the 3 minute lifespan they have on this forum, LOL


I used to be one of those people *back in friggin high school* (and I know someone who still does troll for fun) - all they want is to get people riled up. They want a negative reaction. It's like bullying - when you play along and show you think it's a joke, the fun dissipates for them.

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The way I see it, if those people are that miserable that THAT is the only thing that makes them feel good - hey, I'll indulge them for the 3 minute lifespan they have on this forum, LOL


I used to be one of those people *back in friggin high school* (and I know someone who still does troll for fun) - all they want is to get people riled up. They want a negative reaction. It's like bullying - when you play along and show you think it's a joke, the fun dissipates for them.


LOL, like what I said whatever floats your boat but I still think responding enables them.For instance, I joined other forums in past seeking advice and I would be lucky if I get a response.Maybe it was a case of users not being able to relate to the subject matter and some forums are just not active at all.After few times I would get discouraged and move on -especially the psych Forums..sometimes it can take days to get a response to your question. But then I see blatant trolls get more than 2 pages of replies within minutes , it does nothing other than encouraging them further. I'm certain that some are the same people creating accounts for the sole purpose of trolling.Oh well It is what it is.Anyways apart from that ,the Mods and Admins do a good job to keep this forum moderated and controlled

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