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Best gift ever received


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A playground! As a child I loved playgrounds, especially slides and swings. So I asked Santa Claus for a playground. No clue what I was thinking, but I got one. Various plastic toys, a swing, a slide, a carousel and all together that made a playground, I loved it.

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Two days ago I received a Random Act of Kindness - which was $240 voucher at a speciality sports shop, Love the voucher - but what they wrote in the card hit me in the heart


Dear "Lisii"

You have a kind and generous soul.

This spontaneous gift is to celebrate your unique and beautiful self.

I hope you and your shoes enjoy going to beautiful places together, both literally and metaphorically Here's to you!


"OMG - Sobbing grateful tears"


I'm still in shock.. , and have no idea who sent it.

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^^ Wow, what a cool story! It's good to hear stuff like that. I hope you enjoy your new shoes too!


My best ever gift was a flat-screen monitor for my old desktop computer, from my parents. I hadn't asked for it, and wasn't expecting it at all, and it was so vastly superior to the old clunky monitor!

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