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Didnt know where to put this...(?) Short story......


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I didnt know where to put this and I know this is a poetry section, but I recently wrote a short story and wanted to share it with everyone and maybe possibly get some feed back on how to improve the dialogue. I'm thinking about turning it in to my school writing magazine....thanks a bunch..(sorry its long)





"The Story Of Margaret Red"


Here I am, lying on this cold cement floor staring up at my bedroom window. How did I end up here? It all goes back to last Thursday. Jesse and I were having our weekly fight again and I was at the end of my rope. I had just about enough of his insolence, when he said that one word that would shatter everything, including my life. "Divorce." It's quite eerie to think one word could hold so much power. "Divorce," I could still hear his raspy voice echo the word into our cold room. What had I ever done to deserve such a devastating sentence? Just like that he walked out our door and out of my life, or so I had thought. Saturday night I heard a knock at the door.

"Let me in!" he screamed.

It was Jesse. I opened the door a crack. My mind was drowning with the idea of him coming back. I had it in my mind, for the past two days he'd come back to me, but I was surprised to see him so soon. Had my prayers been answered? Had he willfully come crawling back to me?

"What do you want?"

"Just let me in baby" His breath smelled heavily of bourbon and brandy. I slammed the door hoping he'd leave, but he stayed…

"Baby just give me one more chance; open the door."

"Go away Jesse your drunk!" I leaned against the door and slid slowly to the floor. How could I have been so stupid to think he would change? I'd been living in a fantasy for years but now the ending to my tale had gone horrible wrong and I was stuck living in a grim tale without a way out. I could still hear his deep breathing close to the door as if he was listening close to my minds confessions.

"Margaret baby let me in…&*$%# let me in, open the F#%$# door!"

The clock's red digits flashed the time vibrantly onto the floor, 10:52.


It felt wonderful to scream those words. In all the time we were together I'd held my voice from such harsh words for fear of Jesse going into one of his rages again. I put my ear to the door. I could no longer hear his heavy breath against the door. I felt myself grab the gold brass knob. By this time I'd managed to turn my sobs into mere trickles of tears. My hands seemed to exhort such a powerful urge to see if he had gone. I slowly opened the cold slippery knob. My heart sped up; it began to mimic the rhythm of my fears perfectly.

"Bang!" This was the last of what I can remember, because just then everything turned pitch black.

I woke up the next day on the cold marble floor. My body felt sore and my head felt as if I'd had a horrible hangover.

"What happened?" I looked to the clock, 7:55… It was hard to move; I felt my bruised body make some attempt at getting up. I swept a sticky piece of my hair out of my face.

"Blood!" Oh my God!" my hand was painted a deep red. I stood there breathless staring at my hand while the blood dried. Hesitantly I took a glance around the room. Mischance shined its light onto the floor where there laid a knife drenched in blood.

"What should I do? Oh my God Jesse!" What had happened to Jesse? This was all too much to grasp. "Should I call the cops?" "What if they don't believe me? I'd become pestilent to everyone who knew me. I could be sent to jail for life or worse given the chair." Frantically I began to search the room for Jesse. "Jesse!" I hoped to hear some sort of reply, but he didn't answer. I made my way to the kitchen; worry leaked its melancholy into my veins. I followed the path of blood into my room. Nothing was there, but a large stain on the wall. Frantically I made my way downstairs. There was no sign of Jesse. "Maybe I over reacted, he could have injured himself and fled after knocking me unconscious. How had he gotten in?" This was all a nightmare for me. I just wanted to forget everything that had happened. I refused to believe anything horrible had happened. I guess you could say I'm not one to face my problems, avoiding the situation seemed more of an option than involving the cops. With a quick sigh I had made a decision. Jesse wouldn't be coming back anytime soon and nobody had called the cops. I decided to clean up the mess and try to forget about the whole situation. I would never speak of this moment again; as long as Jesse would stay away I had nothing to worry about. 6:55 I laid in bed staring at the red digits on the clock. Time had a funny way with sentencing a guilty mind. The visage of the bright bleached walls left me frustrated. I decided to give it color. After all nobody wants to look at a colorless wall all day. I had nothing better to do and I needed a way to keep my mind off Jesse. I decided to paint the walls. "Something vibrant and different." 9:35 the job was nearly finished. I took a step back "perfect." The walls were painted a beautiful rose red. My job was done, the room looked more pleasant and jocund than ever. Satisfied I decided to take a well-deserved rest. I slipped back into the silky sheets and surrendered my mind to a far off world.

"BANG" I woke up and sat straight in bed. "Who-o-o'-s there?" my voice was quivering with fear. Someone was at the door. My body consumed itself in goose bumps, and my heart began to race. I shouted once more, this time with more confidence "WHOSE THERE!" The knock grew louder. It was Jesse he'd come back! He was here to kill me. I couldn't allow him to get me. I grabbed the phone and dialed for the cops.

"Hello…Hello, please help me my husbands trying to kill me!" Just then the air grew cold and I could hear footsteps creeping up the stairway. "HE'S HERE!" I dropped the phone and ran to the door. "You wont come in, I wont let you!" I reached the lock and stood back, slowly backing away from the door. "BOOM!" just then the bedroom door came down, only to reveal Jesse. He stood there in great sovereign. I stood there paralyzed waiting for him to make a move. His presense was a contagion to me feeding my blood with envy. I couldn't take it anymore; I couldn't let him get me! I needed to act quickly. I ran to the master bathroom and headed for the drawer where I kept my handgun. He was right behind me; I could feel his tight grasp on my arm as I touched the handgun. He had my wrist. In a grapple for the gun he grabbed my throat tight. I could barely take a gasp of air; we strutted accross the room and near the window. This is it I'm going to die. Ready to part with my last breath I fired a shot. "THUMP." His grip slowly eased off my neck and his body hit the floor hard. I had done it. I stood back in shock; a moment of paragon, elation, and joy overwhelmed every sense as I stared down at the corpse. Just then the police showed up. "POLICE, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" They all took one look at the floor and then back at me. I knew what they were thinking, "look at that cold-blooded murderer. How could she of commit such a horrible crime? Put the cuffs on and take her to jail." I couldn't let them get me. "Yes I did it!" I confessed. "I killed him! I got to him before me". "I got him", I chuckled, silently to myself.

"Step back miss" one of the officers calmly suggested.

"NO, don't come any closer"

One of the officers took a step forward; I knew what his intentions were, to carefully cuff the crazy woman and get take her to the station where he'd read me some silly rights and ship me off to jail. No I wasn't going to be fooled I was much smarter than them. I took a giant step back and through the glass window.


I'm looking up at the crescent moon staring into the window from which I fell. Telling you a story of a woman who finally got revenge. What would seem to be a gruesome ending to me sad tail, really remains the perfect ending to a troubled woman's life.

"What's going on here officer?"

"Step back sir; leave this up to the police to handle."

"I live here what's going on?"

"Looks like a woman jumped out a window; claims she killed her husband."



The End

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