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How to move on after a break up. I'm in bits.


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I have broke up with a woman I have been seeing for about 15 months. It was me that decided to end it as I just couldn't cope with her past and things happened at the beginning of out relationship that I never got over and I felt anxious every time I thought about her which was making me I'll. I wasn't sleeping and obsessing about her and not sure why. When we first got together she told me all about her past how she had f**k buddies and threesomes and I caught an std from her and after that I just didn't trust her even tho she said she would never cheat and I had no reason to dought her. I was married for twelve years before I met her and never experienced ant issues like this. I never thought I had a jealous bone in my body but with this girl I just didn't trust her. I always had a gut feeling that she was bad for me even tho I.still love her and it hurts like he'll not being with her I don't know how to get over it.


We spent so much time together that there is now a massive void in my life and I'm spending most of my free time alone. She also keeps messaging me and messing with my head. I have tried to let her down gently but now she wants to be friends and I don't see how that could work until we have had a long break from each other. Can anyone give me some advice on how to look forward and get over the pain of missing someone you love. It's ripping me apart.

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I've been there and am slowly trying to get past it. First thing you MUST do is block her. Her number, her Facebook, e-mail, send any carrier pigeons back...that's the absolute first step. Fill that void with hobbies or read self-help books or something.

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Thanks you. That's good advice. She still messages me all the time. Every time I think I'm not thinking about her another text will arrive. Even tho she has accepted it and told her kids we have broke up she says she still think we will get back together at some point. She is a mater of mind games and always knows how to get me back. Will try to stay strong this time as I know I'll feel better for it in the long time.

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