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What would you do-in your life- if you were 24?


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1. Well - like you commented to someone to get the degree first, job later. But, that doesn't work for everyone. For some people they have to work for many years until they figure out what it is the REALLY want to do with their life.


2. Besides, no one on here's suggested anything as ridiculous at 10 gallons of ice cream a week.


1. Annie! Thats is why we are all here, to save his\her time and give some good adive what to do, what to spend time on, not to "work for many years until you figure that out"

That is what our advice is for. To help with information.

And I believe we have to give some good information and filter out useless one.


2. I agree. No one suggested 10 gallons. Sombody gave advice equal to 20 gallons of ice cream per week. I am not gonna say who (easy to figure out though) since rules forbid me to make that kind of discussion.

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Learn to truly love and accept yourself and enjoy your own company.


It would be informative if you could elaborate on how to trully love and accept yourself. It sounds good, what could be practialy steps to accomplish that?


I will defer to Peter McWilliams' (my favorite "self-help" author) definition, as it is more succinct and to the point as anything I would ramble about.


"When I talk about loving yourself, what sort of love do I mean? Simply this: Love is taking care of, with regular intervals of taking good care of, and occasional splurges of pampering. In this book I am merely suggesting that you take care of yourself, regularly take good care of yourself, and every so often indulge yourself in a little pampering."


-Peter McWilliams from "Love 101: To Love Oneself Is The Beginning Of A Lifelong Romance"


And by the way, the earlier one starts investing, the better. It's amazing what compound interest/reinvestment of dividends will do over time. I look at what I've managed to accumulate and I thank God I knew enough in my early 20's to participate in my employer's 401k plan up to the point of the matching funds.


Suze Orman has a new book out called "Young, Fabulous & Broke"...saw the PBS special where she's giving a talk about it. It's geared for the early twenties to mid 30's crowd. If anyone is having issues sorting out the financial part of their life, I highly recommend her books.

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