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How do i get her back??Need help!!


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Broke up with my gf for 1mth..during this period..i realli can't forget her..although we only have been 2gether for 2 mths..but i realli love her..durin our break up..i tried getting her back...actualli we could be together again...but it seems i made her feel irritated by keep msgin her..i really feel bad abt it.....Now, she have neg feelings for mi...haiZ!!!

wat should i do to get her back???i realli want to...

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you can't really DO anything to get her back. You just have to be honest, just tell her you made the worst mistake by leaving her. You miss her, love her, and would do anything to have her back....but other then that. There's nothing you can do...she's got the power...but you gotta try and be honest.

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Hmmm..its her who wanted a break up...said she doesn't wan to commit to a relationship...but after break up...did tink of patchin up...but i irritated her...pressurizin her...you all know?that kinda veri irritated feelin when pple kept msgin u?I knew tat feelin..but just couldn't control..Now never msg her...but did intend to make some small things for her...dunno if tat would make her happy..well....can help out?realli love her lotz...

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