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Loneliness during the holidays


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I get lonely during the holidays, and I just don't know how to deal with it. I have no family at all. There's a lot to be desired in my relationship with my boyfriend. He isn't very understanding; he has often gotten angry with me for being sad (spoiling his day). I recently moved, and I don't know anyone here. I am self-employed, so I don't even have coworkers. Sometimes, it becomes too much for me.

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Go volunteer at a soup kitchen for the holidays. You will feel so much better about everything, I promise. Plus, plan some fun things with your bf. Also, make some friends, they are vital for happiness. I have no family near me, so I just value the people I do have in my life. My entire family is dead or lives far, far, away. It doesn't ruin my holidays as I have fun with my friends and do fun things just for me. It's all in your attitude and how you deal with it, it really is.

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Could you maybe check out meet ups for the holiday groups for people new to your area and then make a group of nice new friends from that lot of people you meet and hang out with some of them over the holidays? Sorry you are feeling sad and have no family around to support you and that your bf seems not to understand how being sad is cause for him to step up and make you feel even more loved. *hugs*

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