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you were my.......(poem)


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I made this poem up for my ex....well I made it up awhile go...and I did mean everything I said......I lost him cuz I was a bit** to him...well tell me if you like:


If you decide to leave me and say goodbye I want you to know that you were my one and only love. I loved you more then anything and I will always love you. So I just want you to know if tomorrow starts without you I will know you took a different path a different path that dont invovle me in your life. I know I may cry, i know i may be sad but all i ever wanted was your happiness and if to see you happy means forgetting bout me then Ill let it be, I know I put so much stress on your shoulders, I know I made you mad. I know I lied and went behind your back but trust me things didnt go as planned. I planned everything so differently...I planned it to be just u and me. I planned our future together just to see it go down and leave me on bended knees. I planned to lay in your arms and watch the sun set rise, and I planned to lay in the grass with you being by my side. Everything would be ok if I would have just kept my word but I had to act the way I did just to see you leave. Words couldnt explain what you meant to me, even if It could you wouldnt believe me, you wouldnt believe me becuz love shouldnt be this way. It shouldnt be about lies and it shouldnt be about backstabbing it shouldnt be about cryin all the time. But baby i did love you, you were my earth without you I couldnt live. You were my stars without you there wouldnt be a twinkle in my eyes, your my breath without you I wouldnt be able to breath. Your the guy who kept me warm without you id freeze. Your in everything I do without you Id be a nobody. You are the one who pushed me to do that extra mile without you I wouldnt be where I am right now. You were the one who taught me not to give up without you I would have given up along time ago. Your the reason im making up this poem right now without you I wouldnt be writing right now. your my inspritation without you I wouldnt be inspired. Your my angel without you I dont know what Id do. You were the one I looked up too without you I dont have anyone to look up too. Without you is like living without me but worse. Your my protection without you in like living a life be scared all the time. You were the one I always looked up to as a brother without you I prolly wouldnt be here right now Id be somewhere else doing some bad s*it. You were the one who taught me right from wrong if it wasnt for you I prolly would be in a mental hospital while doin drugs all together. You were the last guy ill let hold me the way you did. So if you leave me now I wont have an earth to live on, I wont have a twinkle in my eye, I wont be able to breath, Ill freeze, I will prolly be a nobody cuz you were my everything, I wont beable to do that extra mile, I will give up, I wont be able to make up poems, I wont be so inspired, I wont have an angel by myside, I wont look up to anyone, Ill be living a life of hell, I wont feel protected, Ill be scared all the time, I wont have a bro to look up too like I did you. I cant see starting a life without you now but anything to make you happy baby Ill be by you that extra mile. If you decide to leave me altogether Ill understand. But please dont forget me and all the memories. Even if we could start over there would be alot of starting over to do. But Id do anything to just prove to you what you meant to me. So Ill give you sometime to get your life together and sometime to get my act together too, but please just remember what ever you do just know im sorry



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