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What was the last thing you laughed at? Part 2


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Haha! That just reminded me of a few years ago, when my sister took a selfie of herself, my mom, and me. The two of them looked great, but my arm was weirdly foreshortened and looked enormous, plus you could see straight up both of my nostrils. It was literally the worst angle ever. And they posted it on Facebook. I was like, "OMG TAKE THAT DOWN, I look horrible!" And they wouldn't because they both looked good. They were like, "Noooo, you look great " BUT THEY WERE LYING!!! Assh*les.

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i have photos like that of me at work. these group photos, everyone looks great in them and there's me making this weird face like i just had a stroke. i'll literally cut myself out of those and paste photos of the work cat over the holes one day.

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i have photos like that of me at work. these group photos, everyone looks great in them and there's me making this weird face like i just had a stroke. i'll literally cut myself out of those and paste photos of the work cat over the holes one day.
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Bwahahahaha - NO. I would probably just never use the bathroom again. I haven't gone back to one of the sheds on my property where I have tools stored since I opened it one day and spied a tarantula lounging next to my shovel, looking at me as if to say, "Oh this shovel? Nope, it's mine."


Yes, I went out and purchased a new shovel, because I was too scared to go into that shed again. Maybe if I throw a lot of bug bombs in there and pray I don't set something on fire... forget it, they'd just move into my house knowing my luck.

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