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What was the last thing you laughed at? Part 2


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^ From the article:


"But the thing is, it’s not just me. You’d be amazed by how many times my friends and I have sat down and shared stories about falling for a sweet, interesting guy who seemed like real marriage material, only to find out later that he’s already in a serious relationship; or that he’s President James Monroe, who passed away in 1831; or that he’s available, handsome, and interested in us; or that he’s actually just a coat hanging from a door and only looked like a man from far away."

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or that he’s actually just a coat hanging from a door and only looked like a man from far away."


Funny story, but that actually happened to me as a teenager. Only it was on a bridge late at night that I and a friend were crossing out for a late midnight stroll. It was a very small town, we thought nothing of doing that. But we go to cross this bridge one night in the middle of freaking nowhere when suddenly we see some guy in a coat and hat leaning up against the concrete rail of the bridge. We call out to him, he doesn't answer, we keep waving and saying hi, while walking towards him and still no answer. So we do the only (ir)rational thing two teenage girls in the dead of night and nowhere can do--we decide to run past him.


Turned out someone thought it would be funny to put a hat and coat on a post and make it look like someone leaning on the rail of the bridge. I have no idea what that was all about, but they definitely had us freaked out. My siblings still torment me over it and that was 45 years ago.

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took my kid out in bf's newly restored oldish (1952) vehicle.


Little one (13yrs old) in the back seat says "mum whats this windy handle thing in the back" referring to the window winder... hahaha...


Oh I feels so old!

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