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What was the last thing you laughed at? Part 2


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my imagination and extroadinary powers of visualisation.


i was pms raging, overcome with angry, angry thoughts about my partonising boss when suddenly i pictured myself lifting up my middle finger with an invisible pulley slowly in the middle of one of her offensive partonising speeches and for some reason i thought it the most hillarious scene in the world and laughed histerically for a solid ten minutes. then i proceeded to picture her during one of the same patronising speeches to a colleague whom she likes to put down by implying he is good for none other than driving the work van and i pictured him answering her with the scene from Madagascar- when the penguins hijack the van and start looking for fancy high tech functions on the dashboard and when pressing one of the buttons it speaks "the car goes VROOM VROOM". i pictured the guy telling the witch in an infantile voice "yess boss awmighty i wouldn't know a thing, i is dumbdumbdumb, i just dlive the van. cal goes VLOOOM VLOOOM. (in my mind he honks the invisible horn here)". it sounds psycho but it made me laugh like the mad pms beotch that i am. the woman is a complete ignoramus and treats everyone like we're idiots. she even uses THE LANGUAGE. i mean the type of tone and derogatory simplistic diction that wouldn't even be proper with a mentally impaired person. we're starting to loose it for real. one of my colleagues makes light of it by "practicing grammar". after every insult she gets, the moment the boss leaves, the colleague loudly recites in preeschool fashion and self-mockery: "DUMB, DUMBER, DUMBEST".



it's a lot funnier in my head than written down. sigh.

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