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Last TV show you watched???


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I loved the first season. But the second season... I found that the plot premise to include alien abductions was weak (seriously, writers? This is the best you got?) and several scenes disturbed me that I couldn't get through it. There were a few disturbing scenes in the last season (sorry, I don't like rape for personal reasons), but this one was worse.


I heard the third is so much better, but haven't started it. I'm debating whether or not to continue...


I'm not so sure what to think about Suicide Squad. The fact they had to reshoot the movie to make it "funnier" right after Deadpool and in a very short time frame makes me a little iffy. I read DC and Marvel, and was disappointed with Batman vs. Superman. I'll have to wait for fan reviews.


They should make it a TV show. They pulled off Gotham well.

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Is American Horror Story, like.... SCARY scary?


I wouldn't say it's scary scary, it's more plot driven then horror or cheap 'scares' like you get in horror movies. I would say the general theme is more 'creepy' then scary.


To extend on my thoughts on the series, I've seen every season of AHS. Season one Murder House was hands down my favorite. Season two Asylum was just too much going on for me I watched faithfully every week and got confused, too many sub plots. Season 3 Coven was pretty good but felt they dropped the ball towards the end of the series a bit. I liked season 4 Freak Show but didn't get into it as much as some of the others. And the last season Hotel I thought was great and very unique plot wise, but season one will still always be my favorite.


If you're going to watch I'd start with season one because even subtly they are all connected in some way, which I think will be reveled in greater detail at some point. Sorry a bit of a rant, it's one of my favorite shows (can you tell?) haha

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America ninja warrior. The athletes impress me. Remind me what is possible.


Caught this the other day by chance and it was fun to watch! Not something I'd watch all the time, but I like it for the same reason as you - it's inspiring in an entertaining way.

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I can't watch horror films at all (with the exception for zombies). I hate them. However, I actually like AHS. If anything, it's a slasher than something to scare you S-k of watching the X-files, but on a gory level.


To piggyback Robin's comment about season 2... I feel like confusing the audience was the writers' intent. With it taking place inside a mental ward of the 1960's (this is near the end of institutionalizing people with mental illness over stupid crap like homosexuality), it's like we're suppose to figure out who's really mentally insane and who's the most deceiving. There was tremendous character depth and so many key players, but it was way overdone that the plot felt it was becoming hokey. Like come on, alien abductions? Really?


Looking forward to the third season. Evan Peters with blonde hair is sexy, and I miss his 90's grunge style (can't you tell I'm crushing over this guy?). I finally got back into watching a couple episodes of season 2 today and it's getting better, but Season One still is the best.

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imsuperman, Broadchurch is fantastic!!! I'm a David Tenant fangirl, but still...


I like his voice. I wish I talked like people in that show. David Tennant always says, "Mill-uh" instead of Miller. And I like in the opening of the show when the dad is going around saying, "Aw-right, (person's name.")

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I finally got my husband to try Fringe, one of my all-time favorite shows, and he LOVES it. So we've been binging that.


imsuperman, Broadchurch is fantastic!!! I'm a David Tenant fangirl, but still...


Fringe was awesome!!!

I love broadchurch as well!


I am now binge watching person of interest! Great show! Why didn't i watch that before?

I love Michael Emerson, he was so awesome in Lost and he is awesome here to, as is Jim Caviezel!

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Most I watch I have to watch online through various websites because I don't have channels they air on...last two I watched and enjoyed were both new September shows.


The Good Place ( comedy ...very clever and funny )

This Is Us ( drama with some comedy ..excellent show..Hit my feels hard)

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Fleabag, an Amazon original series.


It made me realize how much damage a person's family can do to them if they let that happen. Very funny and very sad all at the same time. I will watch a Season 2 if it comes out, definitely. And that godmother/stepmother? Man Disney only wishes they could come up with a villain that evil. Pure poison in a way that many of us have encountered before in our lives - sickly sweet masking crocodile teeth. I actually shivered a time or two over her performance.

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designated survivor. I can't wait to see episode 2 tonight.


TV Guide review.


"Designated Survivor is the rare show that delivers on the hype, and surpasses it," and later stating "It's shocking that a show can balance all of these elements, but credit a magnetic cast that hits the ground running, a crack script that makes the first hour feel like 10 minutes and, of course, Sutherland as the anchor that keeps it all grounded.

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