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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Sitting on my hands re: a facebook post -mom's husband (the dad) put his 3 year old on an outdoor zip line thing and didn't physically support him (just had a hand lightly on him) -so the child fell onto his stomach then fainted - first time ever. Then came to. Question was whether to get him checked out by a doctor (um, yeah).


I'm sorry -accidents happen including falls but who puts a three year old on a zipline and doesn't hold on??? (If you're going to do that at all).


I simply wrote of course take him to be checked out.

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Ugh. Makes you wonder what possesses these people.


I watch YouTube videos posted by a very nice family with a 3 year old daughter. Every day they go for a drive in a borrowed SUV that only has front seats, so the mother holds the daughter in her lap with the belts around the both of them. If they (god forbid) get into an accident the results could be tragic. I really wish they'd stop that...every time I see that I wish for them to be safe. They did buy a new car so maybe they will stop using the dangerous car.

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Ugh. Makes you wonder what possesses these people.


I watch YouTube videos posted by a very nice family with a 3 year old daughter. Every day they go for a drive in a borrowed SUV that only has front seats, so the mother holds the daughter in her lap with the belts around the both of them. If they (god forbid) get into an accident the results could be tragic. I really wish they'd stop that...every time I see that I wish for them to be safe. They did buy a new car so maybe they will stop using the dangerous car.


But that's illegal!! And so dangerous.

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The new parental trend where the kids rule the roost. I hope they terrorize the crap out of the parents when they are 16.


I think that's so often a misinterpretation of the right approach -firm but without yelling etc- love how Janet Lansbury explains it. Some parents use it as a cop out I'm sure! I'll give you an example of an approach I sometimes take with my son which isn't letting him rule yet isn't traditional discipline. Done this a few times. He had a meltdown yesterday about a video game. Ridiculous. I was about to put clean sheets on his bed. So i told him -didn't ask him -told him -that he was going to help me do that. I gave him a few minutes to calm down and matter of factly told him to help me. He loves when I take charge in that way - I knew he needed to redirect his energy and I didn't want to positively reinforce his meltdown but this way he knew I was in charge and he could get his energy out by helping with housework.

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The new parental trend where the kids rule the roost. I hope they terrorize the crap out of the parents when they are 16.


And when the parents joke about it and/or think it's cute!


One young woman I met has a 4 year old daughter who was behaving poorly at my friend's daughter's first birthday party. The 4 year old was angry the presents weren't for her and kept trying to take them away so she could play with them. Then she wanted to show off how she could climb a little play ladder so she shoved the one year old off the ladder. Her mother just sat there eating her slice of cake saying things like "Oh my god!!! Why you being so mean???" Without doing a thing to stop her. She said "Oh, she's something else! She's never going to let anyone mess with her!" No, it's not cute. Or my friends who let their sons run around at restaurants and throw food. My kids started to join in so I gave them the Mom stare and said their names firmly along with "Stop it. Now." And they stopped. The other kids' parents just continued on with their conversation. You don't have to hit your kids or make them terrified of you but they do need to have respect.

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And when the parents joke about it and/or think it's cute!


One young woman I met has a 4 year old daughter who was behaving poorly at my friend's daughter's first birthday party. The 4 year old was angry the presents weren't for her and kept trying to take them away so she could play with them. Then she wanted to show off how she could climb a little play ladder so she shoved the one year old off the ladder. Her mother just sat there eating her slice of cake saying things like "Oh my god!!! Why you being so mean???" Without doing a thing to stop her. She said "Oh, she's something else! She's never going to let anyone mess with her!" No, it's not cute. Or my friends who let their sons run around at restaurants and throw food. My kids started to join in so I gave them the Mom stare and said their names firmly along with "Stop it. Now." And they stopped. The other kids' parents just continued on with their conversation. You don't have to hit your kids or make them terrified of you but they do need to have respect.


A couple of years ago my son was playing on the slides/playground equipment. Two boys -brothers -were playing with long sharp sticks running around on the slides. Not good. I went to my son and told him not to play near them -to avoid them - and when they came near him -I saw no mom around -I said politely but firmly that they were not allowed to be near my son with sharp sticks.


I went back to sit down on the bench. The mom materializes. She approaches me "Did you tell your son not to play with my sons?" I said "yes, I did, I have no issues with your sons. I have issues with sticks on playground equipment. Sticks can take an eye out." She said "well I like them to play with natural things." I said so do I and sticks can take an eye out."


She backed off.

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I recently read about kids returning to school where some are trading their face masks with each other because they, (and I quote), "look cool."


Not to start a debate, but one has to wonder how safe it is to open schools at this time.


I think it depends where you live and wow -that's awful!!! I only trade my face mask with the cashiers at my grocery store -I just wanna bond you know and they are working so hard. Seriously -as an aside -I am in awe and so appreciative of all of them. There's one guy -a greeter at the front who gives out masks if you didn't bring one -he wears the coolest mask and always greets me through the mask with a big eye-smile.


Anyway. Where I live we are in a bad spike. So I am thrilled mostly that schools are all virtual in my district till end of October at the very earliest. Today is the first day of week four. I think the teachers and school are doing their utmost but basically virtual learning sucks. However I would not want to send him right now. I'll share that earlier in the summer things were sort of ok where I was and we didn't yet know the plan. So I was grappling with -do I deprive my child of in person school if they open/if there is a hybrid model? Back then I was maybe thinking of sending him. Then the spike happened and... no way.


Is it safe? I tend not to think so with these exceptions -some small private schools where they can do a lot of outdoor classes/socially distanced classes (I'm talking the teacher plus less than 10 kids in a room) - I hear of this going on safely..... so far. It's so hard.

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I'm on my way to the UPS store needing to turn right and someone was walking across the street in the cross walk and they had the "Walk" signal. So of course I stopped. Moron driver behind me leans on her horn repeatedly. Now, I would like to presume she couldn't see that someone was in the cross walk, but would I just stop for no reason? I wanted to roll down my window and ask her if she wanted me to run over the pedestrian but of course there are several reasons why we can't do things like that. But come on, idiot driver!

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Not so much annoying me, just decided to restrict my FB on who could see my posts. There's only about 20 people now, despite me having far more friends than that on my FB list.


I don't want to wonder why so and so didn't reply or comment, or cringing over what so and so will say next, etc. My mind already is chalk full of thoughts and worries, I don't need more useless worries.


So now, the only people who can see my posts are the ones who constantly comment or like or show support. And it makes me happy.


Why don't I just unfriend? Trust me, it's just easier this way.

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Not so much annoying me, just decided to restrict my FB on who could see my posts. There's only about 20 people now, despite me having far more friends than that on my FB list.


I don't want to wonder why so and so didn't reply or comment, or cringing over what so and so will say next, etc. My mind already is chalk full of thoughts and worries, I don't need more useless worries.


So now, the only people who can see my posts are the ones who constantly comment or like or show support. And it makes me happy.


Why don't I just unfriend? Trust me, it's just easier this way.


Great idea! I almost never start posts on FB so it's not a concern but I unfollow rather than unfriend.

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