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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Oh! Now I get it... wasn't sure where YOU were coming from! As a single parent, I have to admit, I don't think people without kids, who have never been married, who have never been divorced, can understand, to the extent that we do, what life can be like.


With that being said, however, I do agree with you that friendship should carry on regardless of everyone's situations.


Certainly it can be hard to understand. Many years ago I dated a public school teacher for a short while and I'd just started working an intense corporate job where I had to be on call 24/7 and unpredictably. I tried to explain this to him. I told him during the week I'd have to keep plans tentative. He said "ok I'll meet you for dinner -when do you "take" dinner?" He didn't get that we ate our meals at our desks, ordered in -it wasn't like we could announce we were taking an hour off for dinner.


And sure when I had my baby and my friend came over to see me -no kids -she was surprised that I couldn't leave him alone in a high rise apartment sleeping so I could go down to the lobby and meet her boyfriend.


You make an excellent point!

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How about this Kim.

"The spider in animal totem language represents a symbol of mystery, mystic power, and spiritual growth."


As the spiders weave their webs, we weave our lives.


He pays rent in kind, by killing insects in the home.


Interesting, I didn't think about it like this :eek:

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I take it this is not a huge hefty tarantula but a native brown house spider (small)? Yes?

Nothing to fear Kim. If you must, put him outside (though he or his nearest relative will find a way back in). L


Thanks LaHermes, I know this fear is completely irrational, it's a small spider (we call them 'toilet spiders' back home lol), I can't really explain why I'm afraid:icon_sad:

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Camber. Our resident "Septimus" is largish for a house spider. So his size. He trawls around seeking a mate. Never see him in daytime.

Lol. A visitor here nearly lost her wits when on moving the curtain he fell to the ground and scuttled to his favourite hiding place. I had to pretend I had put him out.


Kim. It is hard to explain. Maybe an evolutionary cause. The pesky little terrors have been around 380 years. Yes!

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