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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Making doctor appointments during "business hours" but feels like I have to give them my first born son in exchange for an appointment after 3pm (problem is that the appointment is for my first born son!). He won't be sorry that he's missing a certain after school activity for this appointment but, sigh.

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Making doctor appointments during "business hours" but feels like I have to give them my first born son in exchange for an appointment after 3pm (problem is that the appointment is for my first born son!). He won't be sorry that he's missing a certain after school activity for this appointment but, sigh.


Yeah, and then they make you wait in the big waiting room for an hour, then in the exam room/waiting room for 1/2 hour. As if we don't have jobs!!!

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Yeah, and then they make you wait in the big waiting room for an hour, then in the exam room/waiting room for 1/2 hour. As if we don't have jobs!!!


Luckily most of our doctors have short waiting times, whew. But yes I've been there as has my husband when he used to take his parents to various appointments. Often I can bring work with me and now my son is old enough that the waiting isn't stressful.


I want to add -it's "annoying" and I feel fortunate that these days all of the appointments are the typical ones we all need -hats off to the parents who have to see specialists, etc.

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Yeah, and then they make you wait in the big waiting room for an hour, then in the exam room/waiting room for 1/2 hour. As if we don't have jobs!!!


I actually choose my doctors based on the efficiency of their waiting room and friendliness of their office staff. I figure if they don't have respect for people's time or care about manners, they aren't true healthcare providers.

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I once got a job assignment because the guy they originally offered it to refused the position. It was in the flight pattern for the nearby international airport and he feared an airplane would fall out of the sky and land on his head. I wanted to meet him to say thanks and also to point out that airplanes fly over our heads all the time regardless of whether or not we're aware of it.


Not annoying but the previous post reminded me of ridiculous coworkers.

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My patience is at an all time low for that kind of stuff.


Holding my own while 3 employees grill me about having to report it because they know ' it has to be janitorial!' that is taking things. But what happens when I've met with janitorial mgrs is they put it back on me ' how do you know for sure it's not your staff?' Fair enough, right? I can only imagine how often they have to deal with such things.


Telling staff that I cant make accusations like that and going straight janitorial by default is pretty much profiling.


Well, let's just say I get in some philosophical debate with them (attorneys) and the end result is me reminding them they have keys to their drawers and if its valuable, take it home.


One went around me and contacted building mgr and she came up to inform the new employee that he was welcome to contact the police and file a police report (over his gum and tissues) I just exhanged a grin with the building mgr and removed myself from the situation.


And. . He never called the police. Go figure.

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Married people and people with children who believe/insist that unless you also are married and/or a parent you cannot possibly "get" what it's like to have either of those experiences -therefore try to make "mom friends" and cut slack to those single/childless friends who obviously don't get how heart wrenching and what a whirlwind it is to have a baby or get married, etc. such that said friend could blow off a first birthday party or similar. This from a FB post on a moms group I am on. Such hogwash.

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Married people and people with children who believe/insist that unless you also are married and/or a parent you cannot possibly "get" what it's like to have either of those experiences -therefore try to make "mom friends" and cut slack to those single/childless friends who obviously don't get how heart wrenching and what a whirlwind it is to have a baby or get married, etc. such that said friend could blow off a first birthday party or similar. This from a FB post on a moms group I am on. Such hogwash.


I'm confused...

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I'm confused...


Sorry! There's a mindset out there. That if you are not married you don't "get" what it's like to be married. And, especially if you're not a parent, you can't possibly get what it's like to go through having a baby, parenting a newborn, having a child. So if a childless friend rudely blows off your child's bday party that you invited her to - give her a pass because as a childless person it's likely she simply doesn't get what it's like to be a parent and how important certain milestones are. And in that vein, seek out parents as your friends and put aside or give a pass to all of the friends you had who may not have chosen marriage or parenthood as their path because you know they're not in the marriage or parent/mom club.


I think that's annoyingly ridiculous. People have the capacity for empathy and kindess and compassion and that's what friendship is about -you might be going through entirely different stages, you might need flexibility or schedules change just like if someone goes back to school, moves, takes a different job, becomes their parent's caregiver -so many changes -but real friendship endures beyond those life stages.


Are you confused because I'm a married mom? I feel really strongly that I shouldn't focus on "mom friends" for closeness. For playdates for my child? For practical or logistical reasons -sure. And if I meet a mom I have things in commmon with other than mom-hood so much the better. But no I don't seek it out and no I don't want to live in the suburbs so I can be surrounded by families. Love that my kid is a city kid.

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Are you confused because I'm a married mom? I feel really strongly that I shouldn't focus on "mom friends" for closeness. For playdates for my child? For practical or logistical reasons -sure. And if I meet a mom I have things in commmon with other than mom-hood so much the better. But no I don't seek it out and no I don't want to live in the suburbs so I can be surrounded by families. Love that my kid is a city kid.


Oh! Now I get it... wasn't sure where YOU were coming from! As a single parent, I have to admit, I don't think people without kids, who have never been married, who have never been divorced, can understand, to the extent that we do, what life can be like.


With that being said, however, I do agree with you that friendship should carry on regardless of everyone's situations.

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