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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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People on the subway who put a bag on the seat next to them to deter people from sitting down, or the classic move, where someone sits in the aisle seat and they don’t shift their arse to the inside or adjoining seat in hopes of no one sitting next to them so they can enjoy both seats for themselves.


And it doesn’t matter how busy the subway is - blows my mind. Some people have a lot of gall.


Or, and this is a given, people who won’t get up and offer their seat to pregnant women, the elderly, disabled or parents with children & strollers...


Yes and yes. But I have a friend who said she won't offer a seat to a woman with a stroller/child because if she is commuting after a long day she's entitled to a seat. I kind of get that. I only accepted seats in that situation when the person said he was getting off the next stop, etc. When I was about 8 months pregnant I took a disabled seat -I was really tired, the bus was really crowded but there were other disabled seats available. A passenger yelled at me for taking a seat - she saw a disabled person board and I knew there was a seat for her so I didn't move (I was on my way to work). She screamed at me that pregnancy wasn't a disability. Gee thanks (by that point it was too hard for me to feel ok standing for more than 10 minutes like that).

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Yes and yes. But I have a friend who said she won't offer a seat to a woman with a stroller/child because if she is commuting after a long day she's entitled to a seat. I kind of get that. I only accepted seats in that situation when the person said he was getting off the next stop, etc. When I was about 8 months pregnant I took a disabled seat -I was really tired, the bus was really crowded but there were other disabled seats available. A passenger yelled at me for taking a seat - she saw a disabled person board and I knew there was a seat for her so I didn't move (I was on my way to work). She screamed at me that pregnancy wasn't a disability. Gee thanks (by that point it was too hard for me to feel ok standing for more than 10 minutes like that).


I never had an issue with visibly pregnant ladies needing to sit down.

It was the mega strollers that always made me cringe!

The bus driver would yell " strollers coming in, get back!" in a sardine packed bus and you'd hear the wave of groaning happen lol.

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I never had an issue with visibly pregnant ladies needing to sit down.

It was the mega strollers that always made me cringe!

The bus driver would yell " strollers coming in, get back!" in a sardine packed bus and you'd hear the wave of groaning happen lol.


LOL. I always folded up my umbrella stroller on a bus (on a subway no). If there was plenty of room I didn't.


When I wasn't visibly pregnant I still sometimes needed to sit down. I remember having to go up a flight of stairs at work when I wasn't yet showing and I was more exhausted than I thought and carrying my heavy briefcase. So I was slow. The maintenance guy needed to come down the stairs and had to wait for me and he taunted me about being so slow. Wrong thing to do to a newly pregnant exhausted woman. I did report him to my HR director because I didn't want anyone else to be subjected to that.

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LOL. I always folded up my umbrella stroller on a bus (on a subway no). If there was plenty of room I didn't.


When I wasn't visibly pregnant I still sometimes needed to sit down. I remember having to go up a flight of stairs at work when I wasn't yet showing and I was more exhausted than I thought and carrying my heavy briefcase. So I was slow. The maintenance guy needed to come down the stairs and had to wait for me and he taunted me about being so slow. Wrong thing to do to a newly pregnant exhausted woman. I did report him to my HR director because I didn't want anyone else to be subjected to that.


Holy, it's crazy all these people yelling at you! Wow!


I'm annoyed today at the number of people who aren't showing up when they said they would, and how many don't even send a message. They just leave you hanging, waiting. I barely wait anymore, you get ten minutes.

And when they do send a message, it's a long story of excuses and then expecting I will be available for them at the drop of the hat.

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Yes, that would annoy me too! I was annoyed yesterday to find a full dozen eggs in the back of the fridge -4 months expired. My husband keeps so many leftovers in bags in the fridge I think it got pushed aside and was also in a bag. Hate that. (Yes I have a separate "egg drawer" but if it's full i temporarily store a carton in the main fridge). Wasting food is annoying.

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When people are late for dinner and I'm starving 😞


This reminded me of the last Christmas party I had at my previous workplace. The boss of our department, which was 6 employees when fully staffed, would treat us to dinner out at a nice restaurant plus one alcoholic drink or a dessert each. No SOs, just staff. I loved this tradition and it was always a nice time. We'd have dinner, exchange small gifts with each, visit then go home.

This woman, I'll call her S, had been with us nearly 2 years but had declined the previous dinner. No biggie, her choice. This time however the boss made special accommodations for her, as she stressed how badly she wanted to come but she didn't want to go if it wasn't close to her. We had always chosen somewhere where no one would have to go too much further than anyone else, but she broke that for S. She also changed the date, and reservations ( it's near Christmas after all) because S complained close to the date that her husband didn't want to watch the kids that night. Ok, everyone else rolled with that, we were good to go, right?!

Well the night of the dinner comes, and everyone has arrived within 5-10 minutes of the agreed upon time except S. We wait, have a drink. 30 minutes pass. The boss tries to call her, no answer. We wait 15 minutes more at the boss' urging. Nothing.

She never showed. She didn't send a message, she didn't call.

We show up for work the next week, she says " I was tired! I work and have kids, you know?! I didn't want to go out, and you wouldn't let me bring my kids!".

F you, S. F you. She gathered up her present from the boss, no one else had brought the items for her and she hadn't gotten anything for anyone, and pouted.

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Ugh that's so entitled! I've been in that situation -waiting for someone who thinks their time is more valuable -and also in the opposite kids situation where I accommodate the other person and drag my child somewhere with a short time window (both because of behavior, hunger and plans) and the person is very late.


Annoying: women who refer to their husband and young sons as "the boys" - meaning in conversation to me or on Facebook - it comes across to me as emasculating/trivializing of the man they married. Maybe those husbands don't mind. I don't say anything and wouldn't.

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When someone you are only acquainted with (former neighbor) expects you to act as her unpaid personal assistant. Yes, I'm fine with expressing boundaries and it's a pain to have to do especially before 7:15am while we're waiting for a school bus (which is a time I rarely look at my phone, which was part of the "request").

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