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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Ha! Me too. Especially when they are my age or younger.


Yeah, it seems to have a bit of a condescending tone to it, right?


There's always an exception, and I know I've been referred to as "sweetie", etc. by some nice people (I don't know personally). But, I still stop and take notice.


There's a woman who works at a grocery store nearby and she calls everyone waiting in line 'dear', 'hun', 'honey', 'sweetie', or 'sweetheart'.


She's nice, but kinda bossy at the same time. She'll be working at a register, but she'll tell people to go and stand in another line, but it doesn't sound as harsh because she says, "Hey sweetie, can you please go to that register instead. Thanks, hun". I guess it just softens the blow of her telling people to go somewhere else. Lol. Kinda funny.


Any time a guy I don't know calls me any of these names it's a huge red flag, too. Talk about cringeworthy. It just says so much about their personality and obviously not in a good way (at least, in terms of my experience).

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Answering the phone at work and having to word vomit the entire company name and title, just to have the person on the other end pick up the handset after dialing while on speaker phone and say `hello, hello??'


I say hello back refusing to repeat the greeting again and they ask me `who is this, is this ***?' even though - they called me.




I hang up on them and they call back better prepared. I can do this all day long.

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Answering the phone at work can be super annoying. One annoying call a day.


Answering the phone at work and having to word vomit the entire company name and title, just to have the person on the other end pick up the handset after dialing while on speaker phone and say `hello, hello??'


I say hello back refusing to repeat the greeting again and they ask me `who is this, is this ***?' even though - they called me.




I hang up on them and they call back better prepared. I can do this all day long.

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When one of my neighbours sneezes it sounds like she’s screaming, and she’ll usually sneeze four or five times in a row.


It’s times like these I wish I had a mega-phone to say “bless you”. But then again, I’d probably be encouraging them if I did this and sneezing neighbours would probably triple or quadruple in size. Lol

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