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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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I second that! And some days it is just people in general... sometimes I just don't like the human race.


I actually know quite a few people who feel this way. What's interesting is, most people I know who feel this way are very well liked by most, which is ironic (and they're some of the kindest people I know!).


I promised myself never to become cynical though (although it's hard at times).


And my dislike for these types (i.e. - egoists, egotists, self-righteous people) isn't so much an annoyance just today as it is a pet-peeve in general. Actually, I think I'm allergic.


But, whatevs...

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I actually know quite a few people who feel this way. What's interesting is, most people I know who feel this way are very well liked by most, which is ironic (and they're some of the kindest people I know!).


I promised myself never to become cynical though (although it's hard at times).


And my dislike for these types (i.e. - egoists, egotists, self-righteous people) isn't so much an annoyance just today as it is a pet-peeve in general. Actually, I think I'm allergic.


But, whatevs...


Hahahaha - allergic! Love it!


Actually, I am very outgoing, and always find a way to strike up a conversation with someone. At a conference, I'm the person everyone remembers because I am so talkative! So, what you said made me realize... in actuality, I LOVE people, but because I do, I tend to easily get disappointed if they don't treat me the way I "expect" them to! Now, I know there are no "should be's" in life, but - that's yet another one of my issues I need to address!

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Lack of manners. Just wondering why some people can’t say a simple thank you if someone holds the door for them, or please or thank you to waitstaff? I actually do a double take whenever I hear these words now (think to myself, ‘yay, they have manners!’); which just goes to show how infrequently it seems they’re used.

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Lack of manners. Just wondering why some people can’t say a simple thank you if someone holds the door for them, or please or thank you to waitstaff? I actually do a double take whenever I hear these words now (think to myself, ‘yay, they have manners!’); which just goes to show how infrequently it seems they’re used.


I’ve had those experiences too. Where I’ve done things such as hold the door open and the person doesn’t even acknowledge me. I guess they think they walk on water and don’t have to do anything. No matter how big or small it is, I was taught to always say please and thank you.

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People in my facebook groups who ask for help in the form of a referral "do you know anyone who's been to Burning Man? my client would like to connect with someone" for example -you confirm with the person that they want you to contact someone on your behalf, you do, you send along the info and.....radio silence. Never a thank you although you can see on messenger that she accessed the message (in this particular case I "followed up" two weeks later to "see if you received my referral" -at that point I received a yes and thanks. No apology for waiting two weeks/needing my prompting.


Not the first time. How long does it take to message back "THanks!"

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Please watch your kids, ok?!

I was on my walk and it passes by a school yard. It's Sunday, so no school. There's one lone boy of about 6 standing in the sand box where the play structures are located. He doesn't see me passing, as he's looking down concentrating hard on peeing. Right in the sand box. He looks up and sees me, and asks me if I have a wet wipe. I don't, so I tell him, and ask if one of his parents are around, they might have one? He says no, mom is watching tv.

What?? He doesn't know not to pee in the box, but sure, he's able to take care of himself by his lonesome??

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Believe it or not, I do not work 24 hours a day 7 days a week! People at work are shocked that I don't immediately respond to the messages they send on my day off or after I'm gone for the day. They come at me like I did something awful by not spending every second at work. "But I needed this or that and YOU WEREN'T HERE!!!!" Um, the law states that I must have a certain amount of time off every week. Take it up with the Labor Board, people.

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